
They sought glory, no ignoble men,

لقد طلبت بالذحل غير ذميمة

1. They sought glory, no ignoble men,
When the seekers of fresh glory were blamed,

١. لَقَد طَلَبَت بِالذَحلِ غَيرَ ذَميمَةٍ
إِذا ذُمَّ طُلّابُ الذُحولِ الأَخاضِرُ

2. They drew swords on the day of Ibn Akhdar,
And attained what no rebel had attained before.

٢. هُمُ جَرَّدوا الأَسيافَ يَومَ اِبنِ أَخضَرٍ
فَنالوا الَّتي لا فَوقَها نالَ ثائِرُ

3. They roused a lioness, skillful in her raids,
With insights into wars and their turmoil.

٣. أَقادوا بِهِ أُسداً لَها في اِقتِحامِها
عَلى الغَمَراتِ في الحُروبِ بَصائِرُ

4. Their glory did not blind their judgment,
So no traitor afterward coveted them.

٤. وَلَم يُعتِمِ الإِدراكُ مِنهُم بِذَحلِهِم
فَيَطمَعُ فيهِم بَعدَ ذَلِكَ غادِرُ

5. Unlike Kulayb on the day Ibn Akhdar called,
When lances bristled up like tall trees,

٥. كَفِعلِ كُلَيبٍ يَومَ يَدعو اِبنُ أَخضَرٍ
وَقَد نَشِبَت فيهِ الرِماحُ الشَواجِرُ

6. No help came to him from their dwellings
Though his estate was ravaged, bereft and bare.

٦. فَلَم يَأتِهِ مِنها وَبَينَ بُيوتِها
أُصيبَ ضَياعاً يَومَ ذَلِكَ ناجِرُ

7. Absent, they gave him their support in victory,
The coward's aid, when present, profits him not.

٧. وَهُم حَضَروهُ غائِبينَ بِنَصرِهِم
وَنَصرُ اللَئيمِ غائِبٌ وَهوَ حاضِرُ

8. They left him so he wore the garb of blame -
A garb that clings to them who press the oil.

٨. وَهُم أَسلَموهُ فَاِكتَسَوا ثَوبَ لامَةٍ
سَيَبقى لَهُم مادامَ لِلزَيتِ عاصِرُ

9. Kulayb was neither first nor last in glory.
No first, no last, of glory Kulayb knew.

٩. فَما لِكُلَيبٍ في المَكارِمِ أَوَّلٌ
وَلا لِكَلَيبٍ في المَكارِمِ آخِرُ

10. No noble soul endured with patience like theirs
When tribes faced hardship - they firm and true.

١٠. وَلا في كُلَيبٍ إِن عَرَتهُم مُلِمَّةٌ
كَريمٌ عَلى ما أَحدَثَ الدَهرُ صابِرُ