1. I do not reproach Bakr ibn Wa'il's tribe
Nor do I complain of the fierce, audacious swordsman.
١. وَما عَن قِلىً عاتَبتُ بَكرَ اِبنَ وائِلٍ
وَلا عَن تَجَنّي الصارِمِ المُتَجَرِّمِ
2. But I have a greater claim on them than their ally
When ruin threatens or at the dividing of spoil.
٢. وَلَكِنَّني أَولى بِهِم مِن حَليفِهِم
لَدى مَغرَمٍ إِن نابَ أَو عِندَ مَغنَمِ
3. Envy against Bakr provoked me to what I said
Though my secret thought acquitted Bakr of blame.
٣. وَهَيَّجَني ضَنّي بِبَكرٍ عَلى الَّذي
نَطَقتُ وَما غَيبي لِبَكرٍ بِمُتهَمِ
4. They knew well that I am the poet who holds
Every sanctity of Bakr sacred.
٤. وَقَد عَلِموا أَنّي أَنا الشاعِرُ الَّذي
يُراعي لِبَكرٍ كُلِّها كُلَّ مَحرَمِ
5. I am a foe to those who show enmity to them
And I thank them while my fortunes side with theirs.
٥. وَإِنّي لِمَن عادَوا عَدُوٌّ وَإِنَّني
لَهُم شاكِرٌ ما حالَفَت ريقَتي فَمي
6. They defended me when Ziyad plotted against me
With a flaming, fiercely burning firebrand.
٦. هُمُ مَنَعوني إِذ زِيادٌ يَكيدُني
بِجاحِمِ جَمرٍ ذي لَظى مُتَضَرِّمِ
7. They jeopardized themselves to protect me
When there were those among them who urged my death.
٧. وَهُم بَذَلوا دوني التِلادَ وَغَرَّروا
بِأَنفُسِهِم إِذ كانَ فيهِم مُرَغِّمي
8. Are you content, O tribe of Shayban, may you be rewarded,
When all Bakr, both chiefs and commons, are destroyed?
٨. أَتَرضى بَنو شَيبانَ لِلَّهِ دَرُّهُم
وَبَكرٌ جَميعاً كُلَّ مُثرٍ وَمُعدَمِ
9. By the Azd of Oman, brothers to the exclusion of their tribe,
They certainly imagined, in their view, something inconceivable.
٩. بَأَزدِ عُمانٍ إِخوَةٌ دونَ قَومِهِم
لَقَد زَعَموا في رَأيِهِم غَيرَ مَرغَمِ
10. Their sister's brother, Abd al-A'la, built a home for her
In Heraclius' land, and al-A'la is of high-towering origin,
١٠. فَإِنَّ أَخاها عَبدُ أَعلى بَنى لَها
بِأَرضِ هِرَقلٍ وَالعُلى ذاتُ مَجشَمِ
11. Lofty, of firmly constructed buildings, his glories are not laid low
Nor demolished however the days assail.
١١. رَفيعاً مِنَ البِنيانِ أَثبَتَ أُسَّهُ
مَآثِرُ لَم تَخشَع وَلَم تَتَهَدَّمِ
12. They have ransomed you, and excellent was their ransom;
None of their kin ransomed the Prophet more generously.
١٢. هُمُ رَهَنوا عَنهُم أَباكَ وَما أَلَوا
عَنِ المُصطَفى مِن قَومِهِم بِالتَكَرُّمِ