
I have burdened myself with the weight of my sins,

حملت من جرم مثاقيل حاجتي

1. I have burdened myself with the weight of my sins,
The generous man, with the rope around his neck,

١. حَمَّلتُ مِن جَرمٍ مَثاقيلَ حاجَتي
كَريمَ المُحَيّا مُشنَقاً بِالعَلائِقِ

2. Does the beauty spot appear more alluring, I wonder
When it meets his forehead at dawn while the musk is still between the parting (of lovers)?

٢. أَغَرَّ تَرى سيما اِلتَقى بِجَبينِهِ
إِذا ما غَدا وَالمِسكُ بَينَ المَفارِقِ

3. When the people gather, they call him by his name
In front of the forelocks at the door of the canopy

٣. إِذا اِجتَمَعَ الأَقوامُ أُيِّهَ بِاِسمِهِ
أَمامَ النَواصي عِندَ بابِ السُرادِقِ

4. When they ascend, then he ascends, to him are constricted
The lofty peaks of mountains, towering after towering

٤. إِذا ما اِرتَقَوا ثُمَّ اِرتَقى قَلَصَت بِهِ
شَماريخُ طَودٍ شاهِقٌ بَعدَ شاهِقِ

5. When the racing companions gather, you will find him
A brother of galloping horses, an outpacing son of an outpacer

٥. إِذا ضُمَّ أَصحابُ الرِهانِ وَجَدتَهُ
أَخا حَلَباتٍ سابِقاً وَاِبنَ سابِقِ

6. I hold you in my affection, O son of 'Urwa, Qasim
Of good fortunes, and a Lord knowing all creations

٦. حَباكَ بِوُدّي يا اِبنَ عُروَةَ قاسِمُ الـ
ـحُظوظِ وَرَبٌّ عالِمٌ بِالخَلائِقِ

7. I have loved Al-Jarami for I found him
Among the protective families, staunch in principles

٧. حَبَوتُ بِها الجَرمِيَّ إِنّي وَجَدتُهُ
مِنَ الأُسرَةِ الحامينَ عِندَ الحَقائِقِ

8. With them, women are protected from captivity, raising
Their swords like erect pillars

٨. بِهِم تَتَّقي السَبيَ النِساءُ وَتَبتَهي
إِذا اِتَّخَذوا أَسيافَهُم كَالمَخارِقِ

9. In the days of Dhu al-Qarnayn, their swords were
Turbans of the heads of supreme kings

٩. عَلى عَهدِ ذي القَرنَينِ كانَت سُيوفُهُم
عَمائِمَ هاماتِ المُلوكِ البَطارِقِ