1. I marveled at the Qays, whose dogs rivaled
As they rested their cheeks beneath pearls
١. عَجِبتُ إِلى قَيسٍ تُضاهي كِلابُها
وَهُنَّ عَلى الأَذقانِ تَحتَ لِباني
2. By your life! I know not if the seeker of peace
Is closer to infamy or the father of smoke
٢. لَعَمرُكَ ما أَدري أَطالِبُ سالِمٍ
إِلى اللُؤمِ أَدنى أَم أَبو اِبنِ دُخانِ
3. Both were despicable, subservient men
Humiliated at dawn by fear and whiteness
٣. لَئيمانِ كانا مَولَيَينِ كِلاهُما
ذَليلٌ غَداةَ الرَوعِ وَالحَدَثانِ
4. I gave the Bani Badr to Asma after
The two winds had blown upon them, mingling
٤. وَهَبتُ بَني بَدرٍ لِأَسماءَ بَعدَما
جَرَت فَوقَهُ رَيحانِ يَختَلِفانِ
5. When we move on, so does whoever was behind us
And follows if we mount the burdens
٥. إِذا ما حَلَلنا حَلَّ مَن كانَ خَلفَنا
وَيَتبَعُنا إِن نَظعَنِ الثَقَلانِ
6. I am the son of Bani Sa’d, whenever I
Attack Qays, churning sands with spears
٦. أَنا اِبنُ بَني سَعدٍ تَكونُ إِذا اِرتَمى
بِقَيسٍ لِغارَي خِندِفَ الرَحَوانِ
7. When Qays enters Tihama, declare
It and Najd their slaves of passion
٧. إِذا وَلَجَت قَيسٌ تِهامَةَ قُرِّروا
بِها وَبِنَجدٍ هُم عَبيدُ هَوانِ