1. Alas! My sweetheart claimed that my memory of reproaches was quick for her
And she wished, O black beauty, that she were in your place while people were suffering tribulations
١. أَلا زَعَمَت عِرسي سُوَيدَةُ أَنَّها
سَريعٌ عَلَيها حِفظَتي لِلمُعاتِبِ
2. If my sweetheart asked about me, she would be told
When the tribe's food was scarce, the camels unfed
٢. وَمُكثِرَةٍ يا سَودَ وَدَّت لَوَ أَنَّها
مَكانَكِ وَالأَقوامُ عِندَ الضَرايِبِ
3. By my striking with my sword every fattened camel
And unloading my belongings walking without riding
٣. وَلَو سَأَلَت عَنّي سُوَيدَةُ أُنبِئَت
إِذا كانَ زادُ القَومِ عَقرَ الرَكايِبِ
4. Were it not for those I love making it clear to her
She would have denied my stubbornness and distance
٤. بِضَربي بِسَيفي ساقَ كُلُّ سَمينَةٍ
وَتَعليقِ رَحلي ماشِياً غَيرَ راكِبِ
5. But they are the delight of my heart and mercy
That the Lord of destinies has granted from Him
٥. وَلَولا أُبَينوها الَّذينَ أُحِبُّهُم
لَقَد أَنكَرَت مِنّي عُنودَ الجَنائِبِ
6. They lead me if death lets me live
And forbid me from every rash transgressor
٦. وَلَكِنَّهُم رَيحانُ قَلبي وَرَحمَةً
مِنَ اللَهِ أَعطاها مَليكُ العَواقِبِ
7. After God's command they tightened her ropes
And pegs among us with smooth white wood
٧. يَقودونَ بي إِن أَعمَرَتني مَنِيَّةٌ
وَيَنهونَ عَنّي كُلَّ أَهوَجَ شاغِبِ
8. We have camels, their foreignness does not deny the rope
Nor the oft-told tales reject the rhythm of poetry
٨. هُمُ بَعدَ أَمرِ اللَهِ شَدّوا حِبالَها
وَأَوتادَها فينا بِأَبيَضَ ثاقِبِ
9. We fatten the lean hyenas and seek through them
Ascent though they are dim-sighted weaklings
٩. لَنا إِبِلٌ لا تُنكِرُ الحَبلَ عَجمُها
وَلا يُنكِرُ المَأثورُ ضَربَ العَراقِبِ
10. We came out with them from abundant meadows as though
When the herder barred them, rods of withies
١٠. وَقَد نُسمِنُ الشَولَ العِجافَ وَنَبتَغي
بِها في المَعالي وَهيَ حُدبُ الغَوارِبِ
11. A drought Allah has made rainless
And expanded beyond any vast plain or mountain
١١. خَرَجنا بِها مِن ذي أُراطى كَأَنَّها
إِذا صَدَّها الراعي عِصِيُّ المَشاجِبِ
12. So it was not wrong that it gave no light, and left behind
When barrenness arrived, the sword of the victor
١٢. جُفافٌ أَجَفَّ اللَهُ عَنهُ سَحابَهُ
وَأَوسَعَهُ مِن كُلِّ سافٍ وَحاصِبِ
13. The two mixtures in it destroyed its wantonness
With sweat of exertion and slaying of victims
١٣. فَما ظَلَمَت أَن لا تَنورَ وَخَلفَها
إِذا الجَدبُ أَلقى رَحلَهُ سَيفُ غالِبِ
14. Even if it were the date palms of the lowlands and the like
Along its edges from side to side
١٤. خَليطانِ فيها قَد أَبادا سَراتَها
بِعَرقِ المَناقي وَاِجتِلاحِ الغَرائِبِ
15. Even if it remained for the survivors, it would be forced
To a man among them of workmanship and gain
١٥. وَلَو أَنَّها نَخلُ السَوادِ وَمِثلُهُ
بِحافاتِها مِن جانِبٍ بَعدَ جانِبِ
١٦. وَلَو أَنَّها تَبقى لِباقٍ لَأُلجِئَت
إِلى رَجُلٍ فيها صَنيعٍ وَكاسِبِ