1. Do you turn away from Layla or do you visit her?
And Layla's fate is not altered after her companion died
١. أَتَصرِفُ عَن لَيلى بِنا أَم تَزورُها
وَما صُرمُ لَيلى بَعدَ ما ماتَ زيرُها
2. So if the dust covers him, perhaps
She will take a draught of grief from me that will not confuse her
٢. فَإِن يَكُ واراهُ التُرابُ فَرُبَّما
تَجَرَّعَ مِنّي غَصَّةً لا يُحيرُها
3. Oh, blame the one who was stingy with himself
When the cooking pot appeared at night, boiling
٣. أَلا لِيَلُم مَن ضَنَّ بِالمالِ نَفسَهُ
إِذا ضِبرِمٌ بانَت بِلَيلٍ خُدورُها
4. Oh, perhaps if poverty befell Luqman
Her master sat cross-legged between the millstones
٤. أَلا رُبَّما إِن حالَ لُقمانَ دونَها
تَرَبَّعَ بَينَ الأَروَتَينِ أَميرُها
5. Opposite the permanent encampments of wandering Dhabyan
Whose pastures cannot be counted for months
٥. مُقابَلَةَ الثاياتِ ثاياتِ ضابِئٍ
مَراتِعَ مِنها لا تُعَدُّ شُهورُها
6. In a barren, waterless desert whose gardens
Are restored to it, in the garb of one who excites them
٦. بِصَحراءَ مِكماءٍ تُرَدُّ جُناتُها
إِلَيها الجَنى في ثَوبِ مَن يَستَثيرُها
7. When they alight in Khuza'ah, harbouring
An evil intention towards whoever visits them
٧. إِذا هِيَ حَلَّت في خُزاعَةَ وَاِنتَوَت
بِها نِيَّةٌ زَوراءُ عَمَّن يَزورُها
8. Thus many a springtime they grazed
With bellowing camels, led by their masculine leaders
٨. فَرُبَّ رَبيعٍ بِالبَلاليقِ قَد رَعَت
بِمَستَنِّ أَغياثٍ بِعاقٍ ذُكورُها
9. Flowing down before the star, ahead of
The bucket and pulleys, running its torrent
٩. تَحَدَّرَ قَبلَ النَجمِ مِمّا أَمامَهُ
مِنَ الدَلوِ وَالأَشراطِ يَجري غَديرُها
10. And a convoy we followed, and a convoy and she-camel
We left thirsty, her guide unable to give her water
١٠. وَرَحلٍ حَمَلنا خَلفَ رَحلٍ وَناقَةٍ
تَرَكنا بِعَطشى لا يُزَجّى حَسيرُها
11. We left her to the wolf, gnawing her eye
By day in the empty wilderness, its lightning flashes
١١. تَرَكنا عَلَيها الذِئبَ يَلطُمُ عَينَهُ
نَهاراً بِزَوراءِ الفَلاةِ نُسورُها
12. And when we reached the limit of their glory
And its lineage was made clear
١٢. وَلَمّا بَلَغنا الجَهدَ مِن ماجِداتِها
وَبَيَّنَ مِن أَنسابِهِنَّ شَجيرُها
13. Every free, noble lady among them
Stripped herself for unkemptness or for the vow of pilgrim sanctity
١٣. تَجَرَّدَ مِنها كُلُّ صَهباءَ حُرَّةٍ
لِعَوهَجَ أَو لِلداعِرِيَّ عَصيرُها
14. She walked on, with no brains left in her head,
Her ancestry and her blindness guiding her
١٤. مَشى بَعدَما لا مُخَّ فيها بِآدِها
نَجابَةُ جَدَّيها بِها وَضَريرُها