1. I refused the wishes of my soul that we will meet
And is it possible for a soul to meet whom it desires?
١. أَبيتُ أُمَنّي النَفسَ أَن سَوفَ نَلتَقي
وَهَل هُوَ مَقدورٌ لِنَفسٍ لِقاؤُها
2. And if it meets or God unites us
Then in it is the cure of my soul and its ailment
٢. وَإِن أَلقَها أَو يَجمَعِ اللَهُ بَينَنا
فَفيها شِفاءُ النَفسِ مِنّي وَداؤُها
3. I hope, O Commander of the Faithful, for a need
Through your hands, after God is hoped its fulfillment
٣. أُرَجّي أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لِحاجَةٍ
بِكَفَّيكَ بَعدَ اللَهِ يُرجى قَضاؤُها
4. And you are God's heaven in which for them
From the earth revives the dead of barrenness its water
٤. وَأَنتَ سَماءُ اللَهِ فيها الَّتي لَهُم
مِنَ الأَرضِ يُحيِي مَيِّتَ الأَضِ ماؤُها
5. Both your fathers unsheathed the swords of a group
Against young men, their wives meet their sons
٥. كِلا أَبَوَيكَ اِستَلَّ سَيفَ جَماعَةٍ
عَلى فِتيَةٍ تَلقى البَنينَ نِساؤُها
6. So it was not sheathed until their hearts relented
And the Syrian was allowed the blow, their blood shed
٦. فَما أُغمِدَ حَتّى أَنابَت قُلوبُهُم
وَسَمَّحَ لِلضَربِ الشَآمي دِماؤُها
7. For the goodness of the people's place of stay, they unpacked
To a dome above al-Walid is its sky
٧. لِنِعمَ مُناخُ القَومِ حَلّوا رِحالَهُم
إِلى قُبَّةٍ فَوقَ الوَليدِ سَماؤُها
8. Abu al-'Asi and Marwan built it above him
And Yusuf touched the stars its building
٨. بَناها أَبو العاصي وَمَروانُ فَوقَهُ
وَيوسُفُ قَد مَسَّ النُجومَ بِناؤُها
9. So if al-Mahdi sends to me my she-camel which
For my companions stirs up yearning its weeping
٩. فَإِن يَبعَثِ المَهدِيُّ لي ناقَتي الَّتي
يَهيجُ لِأَصحابي الحَنينَ بُكاؤُها
10. And if they send it for success, then it has walked
To you over epithets and prolonged its pace
١٠. وَإِن يَبعَثوها بِالنَجاحِ فَقَد مَشَت
إِلَيكُم عَلى حَوبٍ وَطالَ ثَواؤُها
11. And that if from its burial place it saw
Shining hills that it hastens its escape
١١. وَإِنَّ عَلَيها إِن رَأَت مِن غِمارِها
ثَنايا بِراقٍ أَن يَجِدَّ نَجاؤُها