
You did not prevent your daughters from the sons of Kalb and the truthful protector on the day of Hudhayl

ولم تمنعوا يوم الهذيل بناتكم

1. You did not prevent your daughters from the sons of Kalb and the truthful protector on the day of Hudhayl
The next morning the horses of Hudhayl came after you

١. وَلَم تَمنَعوا يَومَ الهُذَيلِ بَناتِكُم
بَني الكَلبَ وَالحامي الحَقيقَةَ مانِعُ

2. And the places of descent were closed to you
They cried to you while the spears were like

٢. غَداةَ أَتَت خَيلُ الهُذَيلِ وَراءَكُم
وَسُدَّت عَلَيكُم مِن إِرابَ المَطالِعُ

3. The tyrants of the people, the violent snatchers
She called, O Leyrabou, and the chests of the heights and the severing men prevented her

٣. بَكَينَ إِلَيكُم وَالرِماحُ كَأَنَّها
مَعَ القَومِ أَشطانَ الجَرورِ النَوازِعُ

4. So what catching up do you expect when
The yielding women have come upon the expectations of the fat

٤. دَعَت يا لَيَربوعٍ وَقَد حالَ دونَها
صُدورُ العَوالي وَالذُكورُ القَواطِعُ

5. And they are followers looking back at you
For their litters behind the men, the makers of clatter

٥. فَأَيَّ لَحاقٍ تَنظُرونَ وَقَد أَتى
عَلى أُمُلِ الدَهنا النِساءُ الرَواضِعُ

6. With a cry, when a howdah sways with them, the torrents of longing are seen from it
You see in the houses of the Kulaybiyyat amidst their homes

٦. وَهُنَّ رُدافى يَلتَفِتنَ إِلَيكُمُ
لِأَسوُقِها خَلفَ الرِجالِ قَعاقِعُ

7. The faces of maidens not veiled by the litters

٧. بِعيطٍ إِذا مالَت بِهِنَّ خَميلَةٌ
مَرى عَبَراتِ الشَوقِ مِنها المَدامِعُ

٨. تَرى لِلكُلَيبِيّاتِ وَسطَ بُيوتِهِم
وُجوهَ إِماءٍ لَم تَصُنها البَراقِعُ