
I have known and a man knows his most truthful one

لقد علمت وعلم المرء أصدقه

1. I have known and a man knows his most truthful one
Is he who has the news to verify what he said

١. لَقَد عَلِمتُ وَعِلمُ المَرءُ أَصدَقُهُ
مَن عِندَهُ بِالَّذي قَد قالَهُ الخَبَرُ

2. That the matter of the two horizons cannot suffice
After the son of Joseph except a male snake

٢. أَن لَيسَ يُجزِئُ أَمرَ المَشرِقَينِ مَعاً
بَعدَ اِبنِ يوسُفَ إِلّا حَيَّةٌ ذَكَرُ

3. Rather, a falcon that overpowered it will suffice her
When the sun and moon met with as-Saud

٣. بَل سَوفَ يَكفيكَها بازٍ تَغَلَّبَها
لَهُ اِلتَقَت بِالسُعودِ الشَمسُ وَالقَمَرُ

4. So between them came a star, when they gathered
With it, wounds are healed and events are mended

٤. فَجاءَ بَينَهُما نَجمٌ إِذا اِجتَمَعا
يُشفى بِهِ القَرحُ وَالأَحداثُ تُجتَبَرُ

5. It made the annihilator hope for its attainment
In its palms, shed blood and rain

٥. أَغَرَّ يَستَمطِرُ الهُلّاكُ نائِلَهُ
في راحَتَيهِ الدَمُ المَعبوطُ وَالمَطَرُ

6. So Allah made their disease die
And corrected the prevention of their death, the life

٦. فَأَصبَحا قَد أَماتَ اللَهُ داءَهُما
وَقَوَّمَ الدَرءَ مِن مَصرَيهِما عُمَرُ

7. Until heads straightened that a people carried
And in their necks ruggedness

٧. حَتّى اِستَقامَت رُؤوسٌ كانَ يَحمِلُها
أَجسادُ قَومٍ وَفي أَعناقِهِم صَعَرُ

8. Indeed, Adey’s family has peers so it met
The loftiness of lions, trees do not come near it

٨. إِنَّ لِآلِ عَدِيٍّ أُثلَةً فَلَقَت
صَفاةَ ذُبيانَ لا تَدنو لَها الشَجَرُ

9. From it is the soil and pebbles of Qais, when reckoned
And the strikers when the eyes dazzle

٩. مِنها الثَرى وَحَصى قَيسٍ إِذا حُسِبَت
وَالضارِبونَ إِذا ما اِغرَورَقَ البَصَرُ

10. So it is not belied by its proud youth
When the tribes enumerate its greatness

١٠. فَلا يَكَذَّبُ مِن ذُبيانَ فاخِرُها
إِذا القَبائِلُ عَدَّت مَجدَها الكُبَرُ

11. It refused for them to come near it when it took pride
In virtues and pedigrees are investigated

١١. أَبى لَها أَن تُدانيها إِذا اِفتَخَرَت
عِندَ المَكارِمِ وَالأَحسابُ تُبتَدَرُ

12. Indeed, Adey’s family has in its men
Two houses that raised their glories, Mudar

١٢. إِنَّ لِآلِ عَدِيٍّ في أَرومَتِهِم
بَيتَينِ قَد رَفَعَت مَجدَيهِما مُضَرُ

13. A house of Sukain which lasted in greatness
And a house of Badr they were when they took pride

١٣. بَيتٌ لِآلِ سُكَينٍ طالَ في عِظَمٍ
وَآلِ بَدرٍ هُما كانا إِذا اِفتَخَروا

14. Two houses Qais sits in their shades
Where mankind met at the corner of the Qibla

١٤. بَيتَينِ تَقعُدُ قَيسٌ في ظِلالِهِما
حَيثُ اِلتَقى عِندَ رُكنِ القِبلَةِ البَشَرُ