1. In place of her son when he disturbed me with his wailing,
It would have been better for her son and less frightening
١. مَكانَ اِبنِها إِذ هاجَني بِعُوائِهِ
عَلَيها وَكانَت مُطمَئِنّاً ضَميرُها
2. For her than the slow mange that disfigures her.
Dawn lights that can exceed daybreak with their radiance
٢. لَكانَ اِبنُها خَيراً وَأَهوَنَ رَوعَةً
عَلَيها مِنَ الجُربِ البَطيءِ طُرورُها
3. When congratulated become more naked in their emergence.
Nafe' was barking at me for his mother
٣. دَوامِعَ قَد يُعدي الصِحاحَ قِرافُها
إِذا هُنِئَت يَزدادُ عَرّاً نُشورُها
4. Like a searcher for a lost city that arouses her.
An old woman praying the five prayers who sought the protection
٤. وَكانَ نُفَيعٌ إِذ هَجاني لِأُمِّهِ
كَباحِثَةٍ عَن مُديَةٍ تَستَثيرُها
5. Of the Victorious, by the one in whom she sought protection, I will not harm her
For I pity her fear of me,
٥. عَجوزٌ تُصَلّي الخَمسَ عاذَت بِغالِبٍ
فَلا وَالَّذي عاذَت بِهِ لا أُضيرُها
6. And if Nafe' has harmed me he will protect her.
No caravan of her people came to her with what
٦. فَإِنّي عَلى إِشفاقِها مِن مَخافَتي
وَإِن عَقَّها بي نافِعٌ لَمُجيرُها
7. Jafar's caravan came on the day of al-Hudaybiya.
It came to them with a camel that was not hijazi
٧. وَلَم تَأتِ عيرٌ أَهلَها بِالَّذي أَتَت
بِهِ جَعفَراً يَومَ الهُضَيباتِ عيرُها
8. Nor the wheatmeal paste of Damascus its yeast.
You would not see drivers driving a caravan evenly
٨. أَتَتهُم بِعيرٍ لَم تَكُن هِجَرِيَّةً
وَلا حِنطَةَ الشَأمِ المَزيتِ خَميرُها
9. With camels pacing as their camel paces.
When a Jafari woman recalls a husband of hers
٩. وَلَم تُرَ سَوّاقينَ عيراً كَساقَةٍ
يَسوقونَ أَعدالاً يَدِبُّ بَعيرُها
10. And the place her slain were killed but her walls were not breached
It becomes clear no protector remains of Jafar's family
١٠. إِذا ذَكَرَت زَوجاً لَها جَعفَرِيَّةٌ
وَمَصرَعَ قَتلى لَم تُقَتَّل ثُؤورُها
11. Nor, apart from the women, any zealous defenders.
Their husbands denied them when they saw them
١١. تَبَيَّنُ أَن لَم يَبقَ مِن آلِ جَعفَرٍ
مُحامٍ وَلا دونَ النِساءِ غَيورُها
12. Bare-chested, women whose chests had been exposed.
When the days are recalled when no host rose
١٢. وَقَد أَنكَرَت أَزواجَها إِذ رَأَتهُمُ
عُراةً نِساءٌ قَد أُحِرَّت صُدورُها
13. Against the onslaught of the murky swords.
An eve when the crepuscular light made them seem
١٣. إِذا ذُكِرَت أَيّامُهُم يَومَ لَم يَقُم
لِسَلَّةِ أَسيافِ الضَبابِ نَفيرُها
14. Like ostriches running with outstretched necks.
An eve when they met the fatality of Jafar's clan -
١٤. عَشِيَّةَ يَحدوهُم هُرَيمٌ كَأَنَّهُم
رِئالُ نَعامٍ مُستَخَفٌّ نَفورُها
15. Swords in the hands of the murk - their males.
As if for the horses, the day they met them
١٥. عَشِيَّةَ لاقَتهُم بِآجالِ جَعفَرٍ
صَوارِمُ في أَيدي الضَبابِ ذُكورُها
16. At Takhifah, prey pounced on by their hawks.
١٦. كَأَنَّهُمُ لِلخَيلِ يَومَ لَقيتَهُم
بِطِخفَةَ خِربانٌ عَلَتها صُقورُها