
Leave those who are misers and set forth,

دعي الذين هم البخال وانطلقي

1. Leave those who are misers and set forth,
To the generous man, Ibn Sayyar's son.

١. دَعي الَّذينَ هُمُ البُخّالُ وَاِنطَلِقي
إِلى كَثيرٍ فَتى الجودِ اِبنِ سَيّارِ

2. To one for whom the youths strive to gain his favor,
His hands like the overflowing streams of Tigris.

٢. إِلى الَّذي يَفضُلُ الفِتيانُ نائِلُهُ
يَداهُ مِثلُ خَليجَي دِجلَةَ الجاري

3. We found many singing his praises,
With fine ancient aloes wood, its embers glowing.

٣. إِنّا وَجَدنا كَثيراً يَقدَحونَ لَهُ
بِخَيرِ عودٍ عَتيقٍ زَندُهُ واري

4. Great indeed is the favor of he who is sought,
Exalted among Tameem, having lit a fire.

٤. إِنَّ كَثيراً كَثيرٌ فَضلُ نائِلِهِ
مُرتَفِعٌ في تَميمٍ موقَدَ النارِ

5. Filled are the leather buckets of Shayz when they leave,
And the milker of the ram, and preventer of harm to a neighbor.

٥. المالِئُ الجَفنَةَ الشَيزى إِذا سَغَبوا
وَالطاعِنُ الكَبشَ وَالمَنّاعُ لِلجارِ

6. When the sky rumbles and its souls quiver,
As if it were a lute struck violently by its strings.

٦. إِذا السَماءُ غَدَت أَرواحُ قِطقِطِها
كَأَنَّهُ كُرسُفٌ يُرمى بِأَوتارِ

7. You see the nursing mothers carry their young,
To Kaseer in hardship and in ease.

٧. تَرى المَراضيعَ بِالأَولادِ تَحمِلُها
إِلى كَثيرٍ عَلى عُسرٍ وَأَيسارِ

8. The carrier is weary of the burden he carries,
And the kindler, of the fire for the passerby seeking warmth.

٨. الحامِلُ الثِقلَ قَد أَعياهُ حامِلُهُ
وَالموقِدُ النارَ لِلمُستَنبِحِ الساري

9. The milker for the guests when they descend,
On a day of rain, pelted by hailstones.

٩. وَالعابِطُ الكومَ لِلأَضيافِ إِذ نَزَلوا
في يَومِ صِرٍّ مِنَ الصُرّادِ هَرّارِ