1. Its echoes resound, it instills fear,
A refuge for the tails of fierce winds.
١. تَصيحُ بِهِ الأَصداءُ يُخشى بِهِ الرَدى
فَسيحٌ لِأَذيالِ الرِياحِ العَواصِفِ
2. O Commander of the Faithful, to you we were led,
Traversing the barren desolate wilderness.
٢. إِلَيكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ تَعَسَّفَت
بِنا الصُهبُ أَجوازَ الفَلاةِ التَنائِفِ
3. When the guide calls to them, up they leap,
With outstretched necks and pleading hands.
٣. إِذا صَوَّتَ الحادي بِهِنَّ تَقاذَفَت
تَسامى بِأَعناقٍ وَأَيدٍ خَوانِفِ
4. A land vessel prepared for salvation,
From the terrors that shake trembling hearts.
٤. سَفينَةُ بَرٍّ مُستَعَدٌّ نَجائُها
لِتَوجابِ رَوعاتِ القُلوبِ الرَواجِفِ
5. A boat that folds its sail,
From the nightly traveling camels.
٥. عِذافِرَةٌ حَرفٌ تَئطُّ نُسوعُها
مِنَ الذامِلاتِ اللَيلَ ذاتِ العَجارِفِ
6. As if cotton wadding clothes its snout,
With the strings of a sturdy bow.
٦. كَأَنَّ نَديفَ القُطنِ أُلبِسَ خَطمَها
بِهِ نِدفُ أَوتارِ القِسِيِّ النَوادِفِ
7. I called upon Allah's trustee on earth with a plea,
To relieve my legs, best of successors.
٧. دَعَوتُ أَمينَ اللَهِ في الأَرضِ دَعوَةً
لِيَفرِجَ عَن ساقَيَّ خَيرُ الخَلائِفِ
8. O best of people, if you could but see,
On my legs, traces of heavy shackles.
٨. فَيا خَيرَ أَهلِ الأَرضِ إِنَّكَ لَو تَرى
بِساقَيَّ آثارَ القُيودِ النَواسِفِ
9. Then I would hope for your pardon and mercy,
And the justice of an imam caring for his flock.
٩. إِذاً لَرَجَوتُ العَفوَ مِنكَ وَرَحمَةً
وَعَدلَ إِمامٍ بِالرَعِيَّةِ رائِفِ
10. Hisham, son of the best of people except Muhammad,
And his companions, I swear I committed no wrong.
١٠. هِشامَ بنَ خَيرِ الناسِ إِلّا مُحَمَّداً
وَأَصحابَهُ إِنّي لَكُم لَم أُقارِفِ
11. No dishonesty by Him to whom Quraish
Offered gifts, every glorious chieftain.
١١. مِنَ الغِشِّ شَيئاً وَالَّذي نَحَرَت لَهُ
قُرَيشٌ هَدايا كُلَّ وَرقاءَ شارِفِ
12. Did Marwan not suffice when I came to him
As an exile, though resentment burned within?
١٢. أَلَم يَكفِني مَروانُ لَمّا أَتَيتُهُ
نِفاراً وَرَدُّ النَفسِ بَينَ الشَراسِفِ
13. And deny a neighbor, should he tether his mount
At his well, while Ibn Marwan forbids.
١٣. وَيَمنَعُ جاراً إِن أَناخَ فِناءَهُ
لَهُ مُستَقىً عِندَ اِبنِ مَروانَ غارِفِ
14. All honor belongs to the clan of Marwan,
And any mere pebble of an arrogant tyrant.
١٤. إِلى آلِ مَروانَ اِنتَهَت كُلُّ عِزَّةٍ
وَكُلُّ حَصىً ذي حَومَةٍ لِلخَنادِفِ
15. They are the noblest, the greatest, nor will
The denier of the right, to the ignoble, ever know.
١٥. هُمُ الأَكرَمونَ الأَكثَرونَ وَلَم يَزَل
لَهُم مُنكِرُ النَكراءِ لِلحَقِّ عارِفُ
16. Your father, disobeyer, whose neighbor
Was nobler than the loftiest summit.
١٦. أَبوكُم أَبو العاصي الَّذي كانَ جارُهُ
أَعَزَّ مِنَ العَصماءِ فَوقَ النَفانِفِ