
The son of Bishr and the son of 'Amr took it before him,

نزع ابن بشر وابن عمرو قبله

1. The son of Bishr and the son of 'Amr took it before him,
And the brother of Haratha hopes for the like of it.

١. نَزَعَ اِبنُ بِشرٍ وَاِبنُ عَمروٍ قَبلَهُ
وَأَخو هَراةَ لِمِثلِها يَتَوَقَّعُ

2. The riding-camels went to Maslama bidding farewell,
So pasture in Fazara, not there is the pasture.

٢. وَمَضَت لِمَسلَمَةَ الرِكابُ مُوَدَّعاً
فَاِرعَي فَزارَةَ لا هَناكِ المَرتَعُ

3. And indeed I knew that if Fazara is commanded,
The bravest will covet the command.

٣. وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ لَئِن فَزارَةُ أُمِّرَت
أَن سَوفَ تَطمَعُ في الإِمارَةِ أَشجَعُ

4. Indeed the Resurrection has drawn near its preludes
Until Umayya removes Fazara.

٤. إِنَّ القِيامَةَ قَد دَنَت أَشراطُها
حَتّى أُمَيَّةُ عَن فَزارَةَ تَنزِعُ