1. I saw Nouwar making excuses
And blaming me more and more
١. رَأَيتُ نَوارَ قَد جَعَلَت تَجَنّى
وَتُكثِرُ لي المَلامَةَ وَالعِتابا
2. Though your love for the maidens is new
If their pursuer is a youth
٢. وَأَحدَثُ عَهدِ وَدَّكَ بِالغَواني
إِذا ما رَأسُ طالِبِهِنَّ شابا
3. I cannot make the gray hair go from me
Nor with old age, hope for youth
٣. فَلا أَسطيعُ رَدَّ الشَيبِ عَنّي
وَلا أَرجو مَعَ الكِبَرِ الشَبابا
4. If only grayness on the morrow
Until the Day of Resurrection had been absent
٤. فَلَيتَ الشَيبَ يَومَ غَدا عَلَينا
إِلى يَومِ القِيامَةِ كانَ غابا
5. It would have been the most longed for awaited thing for us
And the most hated absent thing hoped for
٥. فَكانَ أَحَبَّ مُنتَظَرٍ إِلَينا
وَأَبغَضَ غائِبٍ يُرجى إِيابا
6. For I did not see the like of youth's wares in the world
Nor the like of its raiment as clothing
٦. فَلَم أَرَ كَالشَبابِ مَتاعَ دُنيا
وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ كِسوَتِهِ ثِيابا
7. And if youth one day were melted
By it a rock from the two mountains melted
٧. وَلَو أَنَّ الشَبابَ يُذابُ يَوماً
بِهِ حَجَرٌ مِنَ الجَبَلَينِ ذابا
8. Then I, O Nouwar, would refuse my affliction
And stand firmly, not blaming
٨. فَإِنّي يا نُوارُ أَبى بَلائي
وَقَومي في المَقامَةِ أَن أُعابا
9. They raised their hands, but touching me
Were neither hands of distinction nor fingers of blame
٩. هُمُ رَفَعوا يَدَيَّ فَلَم تَنَلني
مُفاضَلَةً يَدانِ وَلا سِبابا
10. I endured from the hundred and was tried
By a stretch that finished the race out of greed
١٠. ضَبَرتُ مِنَ المِئينَ وَجَرَّبَتني
مَعَدٌّ أُحرِزَ القُحامَ لِرِغابا
11. At the beginning of the wager, when it slackened
It persisted with it and wrapped around
١١. بِمُطَّلِعِ الرِهانِ إِذا تَراخى
لَهُ أَمَدٌ أَلَحَّ بِهِ وَثابا
12. O Commander of the Faithful, and we have tested
All your affairs, righteousness and probity
١٢. أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَقَد بَلَونا
أُمورَكَ كُلَّها رُشداً صَوابا
13. Know that al-Hajjaj is merely a sword
With which skulls and necks are harvested
١٣. تَعَلَّم إِنَّما الحَجّاجُ سَيفٌ
تُجَذُّ بِهِ الجَماجِمَ وَالرِقابا
14. It is the sword which helped the son of Arwa
With it, Marwan killed Othman, the stricken one
١٤. هُوَ السَيفُ الَّذي نَصَرَ اِبنَ أَروى
بِهِ مَروانُ عُثمانَ المُصابا
15. When their eyes mention the son of Arwa
And the day of the house, they flow with tears
١٥. إِذا ذَكَرَت عُيونُهُمُ اِبنَ أَروى
وَيَومَ الدارِ أَسهَلَتِ اِنسِكابا
16. In the evening they enter without permission
Upon Mutawakkil and gave consent and seemed good
١٦. عَشِيَّةَ يَدخُلونَ بِغَيرِ إِذنٍ
عَلى مُتَوَكِّلٍ وَفّى وَطابا
17. Friend of Muhammad, and leader of truth
And fourth of the best that trod upon dust
١٧. خَليلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَإِمامِ حَقٍّ
وَرابِعِ خَيرِ مَن وَطِئَ التُرابا
18. From them in war a flame does not cease
That they extinguish with a flame
١٨. فَلَيسَ بِزايِلٍ لِلحَربِ مِنهُم
شِهابٌ يُطفِؤونَ بِهِ شِهابا
19. With it their glories are built and cherished
When their pearls are guarded
١٩. بِهِ تُبنى مَكارِمُهُم وَتُمرى
إِذا ما كانَ دِرَّتُها اِعتِصابا
20. You made the beard of a traitor that betrayed and lied
Its blood its dye
٢٠. وَخاضِبِ لِحيَةٍ غَدَرَت وَخانَت
جَعَلتَ لِشَيبِها دَمَهُ خِضابا
21. And a battle witnessed, you testified to a day of calamity
That adds to one nearing the term, drawing nearer
٢١. وَمُلحَمَةٍ شَهِدتَ لِيَومَ بَأسٍ
تَزيدُ المَرءَ لِلأَجَلِ اِقتِرابا
22. You see the Qal'i and Ma'di in it
Aflame with fervor over the heroes
٢٢. تَرى القَلعِيَّ وَالماذِيَّ فيها
عَلى الأَبطالِ يَلتَهِبُ اِلتِهابا
23. You split the heads of its chiefs so they leaked out
And who hoped for it saw and repented
٢٣. شَدَختَ رُؤوسَ فِتيَتَها فَداخَت
وَأَبصَرَ مَن تَرَبَّصَها فَتابا
24. I saw you when deaths clash together
And the terrified flee to the floods
٢٤. رَأَيتُكَ حينَ تَعتَرِكُ المَنايا
إِذا المَرعوبُ لِلغَمَراتِ هابا
25. Hypocrisy disgraced him and from it
The pocket of his heart tore away the veil
٢٥. وَأَذلَقَهُ النِفاقُ وَكادَ مِنهُ
وَجيبُ القَلبِ يَنتَزِعُ الحِجابا
26. Your soul is easy for you though it is the nearest
To its reward with its Creator
٢٦. تَهونُ عَلَيكَ نَفسُكَ وَهوَ أَدنى
لِنَفسِكَ عِندَ خالِقِها ثَوابا
27. So whoever claims to grant you victory is lying
Besides God who raised up the clouds
٢٧. فَمَن يَمنُن عَلَيكَ النَصرَ يَكذِب
سِوى اللَهِ الَّذي رَفَعَ السَحابا
28. A Lord singled you out with affliction
If a desperate one calls upon Him, He answers
٢٨. تَفَرَّد بِالبَلاءِ عَلَيكَ رَبٌّ
إِذا ناداهُ مُختَشِعٌ أَجابا
29. And if what you unveiled in them
Of terrible trials and torment
٢٩. وَلَو أَنَّ الَّذي كَشَّفتَ عَنهُم
مِنَ الفِتَنِ البَلِيَّةَ وَالعَذابا
30. Their souls rewarded you with it, and they added
For you wealth, reaching the reward
٣٠. جَزوكَ بِها نُفوسَهُمُ وَزادوا
لَكَ الأَموالَ ما بَلَغوا الثَوابا
31. For I, by Him to whom Quraysh
Slaughtered at Mina, devising the mounts
٣١. فَإِنّي وَالَّذي نَحَرَت قُرَيشٌ
لَهُ بِمِنىً وَأَضمَرَتِ الرِكابا
32. To Him yearning, and they are humbled
To receive the peg and veil
٣٢. إِلَيهِ مُلَبَّدينَ وَهُنَّ خوصٌ
لِيَستَلِموا الأَواسِيَ وَالحِجابا
33. I have in the morning gained from you a favor
Like the favor of rain benefiting whom it hits
٣٣. لَقَد أَصبَحتُ مِنكَ عَلَيَّ فَضلٌ
كَفَضلِ الغَيثِ يَنفَعُ مَن أَصابا
34. And if I were in a China of my family
Having locked the two doors of estrangement
٣٤. وَلَو أَنّي بِصينِ اِستانَ أَهلي
وَقَد أَغلَقتُ مِن هَجرَينِ بابا
35. I would see behind me from you claws and fangs
Upon me
٣٥. عَلَيَّ رَأَيتُ يا اِبنَ أَبي عَقيلٍ
وَرائي مِنكَ أَظفاراً وَنابا
36. So your pardon, O son of Yusuf, is the best pardon
Though you are the harshest punisher
٣٦. فَعَفوُكَ يا اِبنَ يوسُفَ خَيرُ عَفوٍ
وَأَنتَ أَشَدُّ مُنتَقِمٍ عِقابا
37. I saw the people so fear you
They dreaded your hands or cancelled the account
٣٧. رَأَيتُ الناسَ قَد خافوكَ حَتّى
خَشوا بِيَدَيكَ أَو فَرَقوا الحِسابا