
The doctors prescribing medicine fear

يقول الأطباء المداوون إذ خشوا

1. The doctors prescribing medicine fear
The symptoms of an illness that afflicts her

١. يَقولُ الأَطِبّاءُ المُداوُونَ إِذ خَشوا
عَوارِضَ مِن أَدواءِ داءٍ يُصيبُها

2. And my illness is lovesickness, with the cure being to see her
Am I, for myself, her physician?

٢. وَظَبيَةُ دائي وَالشِفاءُ لِقاؤُها
وَهَل أَنا مَدعوٌّ لِنَفسي طَبيبُها

3. And piles of carpets in the evening are a comfort
To us when her lover came to her after tranquility

٣. وَكَومٍ مَهاريسِ العَشاءِ مُراحَةٍ
عَلَينا أَتاها بَعدَ هَدءٍ خَبيبُها

4. It erased all favors from the house after us
Chambers filled with the spirit of youth and its excesses

٤. مَحا كُلَّ مَعروفٍ مِنَ الدارِ بَعدَنا
دَوالِحُ رَوحاتِ الصَبا وَجُنوبُها

5. And something came to her from the north as a gift
From the soil, from the most pristine and strange passion

٥. وَكائِن أَتَتها لِلشَمالِ هَدِيَّةٌ
مِنَ التُربِ مِن أَنقاءِ وَهبٍ غَريبُها

6. And I was certain that if my steed met Bilal
It would suffice me, even if its people failed it

٦. وَثِقتُ إِذا لاقَت بِلالاً مَطِيَّتي
لَها بِالغِنى إِن لَم تُصِبها شَعوبُها

7. It hastened with my belongings, frightened and wary
From the world below, her lover came to you

٧. تَمَطَّت بِرَحلي وَهيَ رَهبٌ رَذِيَّةٌ
إِلَيكَ مِنَ الدَهنا أَتاكَ خَبيبُها

8. Eyes cannot be guided to look upon her
Rather it is hearts that guide eyes to her

٨. فَما يَهتَدي بِالعَينِ مِن ناظِرٍ بِها
وَلَكِنَّما تَهدي العُيونَ قُلوبُها

9. The path of religion was crooked for us
Then Bilal came, so its hills straightened

٩. وَكانَت قَناةُ الدينِ عَوجاءَ عِندَنا
فَجاءَ بِلالٌ فَاِستَقامَت كُعوبُها

10. When they saw Bilal's sword, the demons
Of the people scattered, and their sins died

١٠. فَلَمّا رَأَوا سَيفَي بِلالٍ تَفَرَّقَت
شَياطينُ أَقوامٍ وَماتَت ذُنوبُها

11. O Bilal, how many enemies did you humiliate
Such that an eye overlooks what vilifies it

١١. فَكَم مِن عَدُوٍّ يا بِلالُ خَسَأتَهُ
فَأَغضَت لَهُ عَينٌ عَلى ما يَريبُها

12. I saw Bilal buying with his high moral character
Great virtues - the most desirable of them

١٢. رَأَيتُ بِلالاً يَشتَري بِتِلادِهِ
مَكارِمَ أَخلاقٍ عِظامٍ رَغيبُها

13. And one day you will see his enemy had sufficed him
With a stab and blow when his treachery awoke

١٣. وَيَومٍ تَرى جَوزاؤُهُ قَد كَفَيتَهُ
بِطَعنٍ وَضَربٍ حينَ ثابَ عَكوبُها

14. Bilal refused a rabble of ash'ariyyah
When panicked, their riding was swift

١٤. أَبَت لِبِلالٌ عُصبَةٌ أَشعَرِيَّةٌ
إِذا فَزِعَت كانَت سَريعاً رُكوبُها

15. Swift to Bilal's hands when the youth called
From Yemen, their elders and young

١٥. سَريعٌ إِلى كَفَّي بِلالٍ إِذا دَعا
مِنَ اليَمَنِ الشُبّانُ مِنها وَشيبُها

16. No call invites Bilal to the towns
Or to the stab on a frightening day, but he answers it

١٦. وَما دَعوَةٌ تَدعو بِلالاً إِلى القِرى
وَلا الطَعنِ يَومَ الرَوعِ إِلّا يُجيبُها

17. Swift in his rising to here and there
If the coward's soul believes its lies

١٧. سَريعٌ إِلى هَذي وَهَذي قِيامُهُ
إِذا صَدَقَت نَفسَ الجَبانِ كَذوبُها

18. Just as his father used to be shy when
A desperate man called him, when its dog barked

١٨. كَما كانَ يَستَحيِي أَبوهُ إِذا دَعا
لَهُ مُستَغيثٌ حينَ هَرَّ كَليبُها

19. He turns back toward the desperate man when called
With a dignified spirit, not fearing its threat

١٩. يَكُرُّ وَراءَ المُستَغيثِ إِذا دَعا
بِنَفسٍ وَقورٍ لا يَخافُ وَجيبُها

20. From the people, he seeks refuge when war flares
Against the strikes of brave men, their blows

٢٠. مِنَ القَومِ يَستَحمي إِذا حَمِسَ الوَغى
لِهاماتِ كُلّاحِ الرِجالِ ضَروبُها

21. We found for you a strong, pouring bucket
That holds the water of the thirsty, however much their sins

٢١. وَجَدنا لَكُم دَلواً شَديداً رِشاؤُها
تَضيمُ دِلاءَ المُستَقينَ ذَنوبُها