1. She glanced at him, leaving no heart for him,
Unaware of what she had taken away.
١. تَزَوَّدَ مِنها نَظرَةً لَم تَدَع لَهُ
فُؤاداً وَلَم تَشعُر بِما قَد تَزَوَّدا
2. I've seen no slain, no killer,
With a weapon like hers when she intended.
٢. فَلَم أَرَ مَقتولاً وَلَم أَرَ قاتِلاً
بِغَيرِ سِلاحٍ مِثلَها حينَ أَقصَدا
3. Unless you evade her or she perishes,
I see no suitor of hers but the polished sword.
٣. فَإِلّا تُفادي أَو تَديهِ فَلا أَرى
لَها طالِباً إِلّا الحُسامَ المُهَنَّدا
4. As if the lofty swords in the lands,
When night bares their necks, were her suitors.
٤. كَأَنَّ السُيوفَ المَشرِفِيَّةَ في البُرى
إِذا اللَيلُ عَن أَعناقِهِنَّ تَقَدَّدا
5. Palanquins between Al-Awja and Dair,
Dragging their fringes, blown by the bracing wind.
٥. حَراجيجُ بَينَ العَوهَجِيِّ وَداعِرٍ
تَجُرُّ حَوافيها السَريحَ المُقَدَّدا
6. Seekers of needs in a painful caravan,
Traversing ruggedly in the pitch-black night.
٦. طَوالِبَ حاجاتٍ بِرُكبانِ شُقَّةٍ
يَخُضنَ خُدارِيّاً مِنَ اللَيلِ أَسوَدا
7. Neither have the days nor the years left
What their headbands have climbed and erected.
٧. وَما تَرَكَ الأَيّامُ وَالسَنَةُ الَّتي
تَعَرَّقَ ناباها السَنامَ المُصَعَّدا
8. For us and the livestock, orphans lead them
To the shade of a pot she lit when kindling.
٨. لَنا وَالمَواشي بِاليَتامى يَقُدنَهُم
إِلى ظِلِّ قِدرٍ حَشَّها حينَ أَوقَدا
9. A brother of mischief who raises fire for the villages
When the wicked dog is silent and extinguishes it.
٩. أَخو شَتَواتٍ يَرفَعُ النارَ لِلقِرى
إِذا كَعَمَ الكَلبَ اللَئيمُ وَأَخمَدا
10. You inherited the son of Harb and the son of Marwan and the one
With whom Allah gave victory to the Prophet Muhammad.
١٠. وَرِثتَ اِبنَ حَربٍ وَاِبنَ مَروانَ وَالَّذي
بِهِ نَصَرَ اللَهُ النَبِيَّ مُحَمَّدا
11. The beasts shy away when they recognize you,
Bowing to you atop the dunes.
١١. تَرى الوَحشَ يَستَحيِينَهُ إِذ عَرَفنَهُ
لَهُ فَوقَ أَركانِ الجَراثيمِ سُجَّدا
12. The goodness of your palms refused their abundance,
And your bestowal of kindness to be firm.
١٢. أَبى طيبُ كَفَّيكَ الكَثيرِ نَداهُما
وَإعطاؤُكَ المَعروفَ أَن تَتَشَدَّدا
13. To spare blood or wealth from a gift
That would revive a depression and bring victory.
١٣. لِحَقنِ دَمٍ أَو ثَروَةٍ مِن عَطِيَّةٍ
تَكونُ حَيا مِن حَلِّ غَوراً وَأَنجَدا
14. Had the prophets of restraint accompanied him,
They would have found him with the Great King of Darkness.
١٤. وَلَو صاحَبَتهُ الأَنبِياءُ ذَوُو النُهى
رَأَوهُ مَعَ المُلكِ العَظيمِ المُسَوَّدا