1. Do the sons of Sa’d forget those ancestors by whom,
You abandoned the sons of Sa’d to the worst abandonment
١. أَتَنسى بَنو سَعدٍ جُدودَ الَّتي بِها
خَذَلتُم بَني سَعدٍ عَلى شَرِّ مَخذَلِ
2. At nightfall you turned away as if your swords
Were scabbards around your necks, never unsheathed
٢. عَشِيَّةَ وَلَّيتُم كَأَنَّ سُيوفَكُم
ذَآنينُ في أَعناقِكُم لَم تُسَلَّلِ
3. With grey hair wound round sheathed swords
Leading an army with embroidered banners and flags
٣. وَشَيبانُ حَولَ الحَوفَزانِ بِوائِلٍ
مُنيخاً بِجَيشٍ ذي زَوائِدَ جَحفَلِ
4. They called “O Sa’d!” and “O Wa’il!”
And every sword was drawn from its scabbard
٤. دَعَوا يا لَسَعدٍ وَاِدَّعَوا يا لَوائِلٍ
وَقَد سُلَّ مِن أَغمادِهِ كُلُّ مُنصَلِ
5. Two tribes at fortified places competed
To take the heads of the bold warriors
٥. قَبيلَينِ عِندَ المُحصَناتِ تَصاوَلا
تَصاوُلَ أَعناقِ المَصاعيبِ مِن عَلِ
6. They disobeyed with uplifted swords among them
Bravely casting down every closed eyelid
٦. عَصَوا بِالسُيوفِ المَشرِفِيَّةِ فيهِمُ
غَيارى وَأَلقَوا كُلَّ جَفنٍ وَيَحمَلِ
7. Their swords protected them, polished blades
And from Sa’d’s family a call that was not weakened
٧. حَمَتهُنَّ أَسيافٌ حِدادٌ ظُباتُها
وَمِن آلِ سَعدٍ دَعوَةٌ لَم تُهَلَّلِ
8. They called and did not know which of them
Would be for them and which would conceal the stride of the warrior
٨. دَعَونَ وَما يَدرونَ مِنهُم لِأَيِّهِم
يَكُنَّ وَما يُخفينَ ساقاً لِمُجتَلِ
9. Perhaps among those you raid you will find
A father like Abdullah or like Nahshal
٩. لَعَلَّكَ مِن في قاصِعائِكَ واجِدٌ
أَباً مِثلَ عَبدِ اللَهِ أَو مِثلَ نَهشَلِ
10. Or the family of Abi Saud and Awf the son of Malik
When a day comes their might is not blunted
١٠. وَآلِ أَبي سودٍ وَعَوفِ اِبنِ مالِكٍ
إِذا جاءَ يَومٌ بَأسُهُ غَيرُ مُنجَلِ
11. And one who takes after us like Ghalib
And my father used to charge uphill alone
١١. وَمُتَّخِذٌ مِنّا أَباً مِثلَ غالِبٍ
وَكانَ أَبي يَأتي السِماكَينِ مِن عَلِ
12. And he hunted crowned game and split open their skulls
With our swords when the blood had not yet dried
١٢. وَأَصيَدَ ذي تاجٍ صَدَعنا جَبينَهُ
بِأَسيافِنا وَالنَقعُ لَم يَتَزَيَّلِ
13. You see the necklaces of kings atop his brow
Fanged and grimacing never cast down
١٣. تَرى خَرَزاتِ المُلكِ فَوقَ جَبينِهِ
صَأولٌ شَبا أَنيابِهِ لَم يُفَلَّلِ
14. And he was not of noble horses in front of you
Nor cherished among kings, ever glorified
١٤. وَما كانَ مِن آرِيِّ خَيلٍ أَمامَكُم
وَلا مُحتَبىً عِندَ المُلوكِ مُبَجَّلِ