
A maiden amid branches, her roots entwined

إذا شئت غناني من العاج قاصف

1. A maiden amid branches, her roots entwined
Between Silayl and Abi Al-Sahba of Khalid's clan -

١. لَجارِيَةٌ بَينَ السَليلِ عُروقُها
وَبَينَ أَبي الصَهباءِ مِن آلِ خالِدِ

2. Is she more deserving of inflated bride-price than one
Who was nurtured crawling amid burrows of whelps?

٢. أَحَقُّ بِإِغلاءِ المُهورِ مِنَ الَّتي
رَبَت وَهيَ تَنزو في جُحورِ الوَلائِدِ