
Though you demolish my house, yet my courtyards

فإن تهدموا داري فإن أرومتي

1. Though you demolish my house, yet my courtyards
Have plenty and are not in need of the son of Maraghah

١. فَإِن تَهدِموا داري فَإِنَّ أَرومَتي
لَها حَسَبٌ لا اِبنَ المَراغَةِ نائِلُه

2. My father is pedigree tall as a palm tree and rock
that if struck cannot be demolished by picks

٢. أَبي حَسَبٌ عَودٌ رَفيعٌ وَصَخرَةٌ
إِذا قُرِعَت لَم تَستَطِعها مَعاوِلُه

3. You belittled yourself, O son of a dog, when you saw me
With the sun in rugged mighty fortresses

٣. تَصاغَرتَ يا اِبنَ الكَلبِ لَمّا رَأَيتَني
مَعَ الشَمسِ في صَعبٍ عَزيزٍ مَعاقِلُه

4. And you were humiliated by me with a heavy
Wounding satire on the pregnant Jareer and his gang

٤. وَقَد مُنِيَت مِنّي كُلَيبٌ بِضَيغَمٍ
ثَقيلٍ عَلى الحُبلى جَريرٍ كَلاكِلُه

5. Insulting the coward does not diminish his spear
Rather with shouting he is made equal to him

٥. شَتيمُ المُحَيّا لا يُخاتِلُ قِرنَهُ
وَلَكِنَّهُ بِالصَحصَحانِ يُنازِلُه

6. A snarling wildcat, a sly fox, the leader of a forest
When his honor moves him, his hands and shoulders move him

٦. هِزَبرٌ هَريتُ الشَدقِ رِئبالُ غابَةٍ
إِذا سارَ عَزَّتهُ يَداهُ وَكاهِلُه

7. A mighty one, who matches spears with him
Though his mother has weaned him, who can match him?

٧. عَزيزٌ مِنَ اللائي يُنازِلُ قِرنَهُ
وَقَد ثَكِلَتهُ أُمُّهُ مَن يُنازِلُه

8. When Kulayb brought her slave to me
Like one deluded until he sees death is his vanquisher

٨. وَإِنَّ كُلَيباً إِذ أَتَتني بِعَبدِها
كَمَن غَرَّهُ حَتّى رَأى المَوتَ باطِلُه

9. They hoped to turn Kulayb back with his coat of mail
From my arrows' breaches and I their transporter

٩. رَجَوا أَن يَرِدّوا عَن كُلَيبٍ بِدِرعِهِ
نَوافِذَ ما أَرمي وَما أَنا ناقِلُه

10. I wonder at one who shoots sheep in Hutamiyya
While in the coat of mail is a slave whose killers have been killed

١٠. عَجِبتُ لِرامي الضَأنِ في حُطَمِيَّةٍ
وَفي الدِرعِ عَبدٌ قَد أُصيبَت مَقاتِلُه

11. Can the pregnant put on armor when her belly
If it speaks is a burden she cannot match?

١١. وَهَل تَلبِسُ الحُبلى السِلاحَ وَبَطنُها
إِذا اِنتَطَقَت عِبءٌ عَلَيها تُعادِلُه

12. He yelped and cast off his coat of mail and I would not
Cast off my shirt for a insignificant one to fight him

١٢. أَفاخَ وَأَلقى الدِرعَ عَنهُ وَلَم أَكُن
لِأُلقِيَ دِرعي مِن كَمِيٍّ أُقاتِلُه

13. Do you not see, O son of Maraghah, silent
For what you carry in your paunch folds

١٣. أَلَستَ تُرى يا اِبنَ المَراغَةِ صامِتاً
لِما أَنتَ في أَضعافِ بَطنِكَ حامِلُه

14. And the tribes around me and around you
O Banu Kalb, know I am the top of glory and its shoulder

١٤. وَقَد عَلِمَ الأَقوامُ حَولي وَحَولَكُم
بَني الكَلبِ أَنّي رَأسُ عِزٍّ وَكاهِلُه

15. Do you not know that I am the son of the lord of Saw'ir
And with me are swords his scabbards and sheaths

١٥. أَلَم تَعلَموا أَنّي اِبنُ صاحِبَ صَوأَرٍ
وَعِندي حُساما سَبفِهِ وَحَمائِلُه

16. We left Jarir restrained in the market
Will he find one to exchange with him what he missed?

١٦. تَرَكنا جَريراً وَهوَ في السوقِ حابِسٌ
عَطِيَّةَ هَل يَلقى بِهِ مَن يُبادِلُه