
Have you not seen the cawing of the raven, and what

ألم تر كرسوع الغراب وما وأت

1. Have you not seen the cawing of the raven, and what
Its trysts have turned to, gone astray and null?

١. أَلَم تَرَ كُرسوعَ الغُرابِ وَما وَأَت
مَواعيدُهُ عادَت ضَلالاً وَباطِلا

2. Had it been an harbinger, its word by morn
Would have proved true, binding fast the cords.

٢. وَلَو كانَ مُرِّيّاً لَأَصبَحَ قَولُهُ
وَفِيّاً عَلى ما كانَ شَدَّ الحَبائِلا

3. And it will see, when rhymes shall come to it
With parables like those that shame builders.

٣. وَسَوفَ يَرى مَرَّ القَوافي إِذا غَدَت
عَلَيهِ بِأَمثالٍ تَشينُ المَقاوِلا