
When we passed by the ruins of Su'da's abode

ألما على أطلال سعدى نسلم

1. When we passed by the ruins of Su'da's abode
We made our camels kneel down but they were silent

١. أَلِمّا عَلى أَطلالِ سُعدى نُسَلِّمِ
دَوارِسَ لَمّا اِستُنطِقَت لَم تَكَلَّمِ

2. My friends stopped with me, though I only recognized
The outline of the abode after much confusion

٢. وُقوفاً بِها صَحبي عَلَيَّ وَإِنَّما
عَرَفتُ رُسومَ الدارِ بَعدَ التَوَهُّمِ

3. They said "Don't sorrow yourself to death", though to them
My streaming tears revealed my deep distress

٣. يَقولونَ لا تَهلِك أَسىً وَلَقَد بَدَت
لَهُم عَبَراتُ المُستَهامِ المُتَيَّمِ

4. I said "Don't blame me, for it was once a dwelling
Of splendor, clearly marked and known"

٤. فَقُلتُ لَهُم لا تَعذُلوني فَإِنَّها
مَنازِلُ كانَت مِن نَوارَ بِمَعلَمِ

5. After what has passed, news reached me
Of glory and honor coming to Shimr the old

٥. أَتاني مِنَ الأَنباءِ بَعدَ الَّذي مَضى
لِشَيبانَ مِن عادِيِّ مَجدٍ مُقَدَّمِ

6. The morning Kisra's army shattered
The hosts of Qarqisiya unsuspectingly

٦. غَداةَ قَرَوا كِسرى وَحَدَّ جُنودِهِ
بِبَطحاءِ ذي قارٍ قِرىً لَم يُعَتَّمِ

7. They violated a sanctuary, long forbidden
Leaving Shimr's waters free for all

٧. أَباحوا حِمىً قَد كانَ قِدماً مُحَرَّماً
فَأَضحى عَلى شَيبانَ غَيرَ مُحَرَّمِ

8. By the hands of Banu Nizar and the Yemenites after them
Intelligence belongs to the understanding minds

٨. مِنِ اِبنَي نِزارٍ وَاليَمانَينَ بَعدَهُم
أَيادي سَبا وَالعَقلُ لِلمُتَفَهِّمِ

9. So Shimr was singled out among her tribe
With the satisfied, dignified noses

٩. فَخُصَّت بِهِ شَيبانُ مِن دونِ قَومِها
عَلى راضِياتٍ مِن أُنوفٍ وَرُغَّمِ

10. And so Shimr surpassed the tribe of Duhl
The honorable and generous as all deemed

١٠. فَصارَت لِذُهلٍ دونَ شَيبانَ إِنَّهُم
ذَوُو العِزِّ عِندَ المُنتَمى وَالتَكَرُّمِ

11. Authority passed to the dove, and it succeeded through her favour
Whoever gives generously is always revered

١١. فَآلَت لِحَمّامٍ فَفازوا بِصَفوِها
وَمَن يُعطِ أَثمانَ المَكارَمِ يُعظَمِ

12. So pass on my message of faithful alliance
It bears no sin or treason as I have sworn

١٢. فَأَبلِغ أَبا عَبدِ المَليكِ رِسالَةً
يَمينَ وَفاءٍ لَم تَنَطَّف بِمَأثَمِ

13. To you I will send a ode every year
Inked in devotion at each season

١٣. سَتَأتيكَ مِنّي كُلَّ عامٍ قَصيدَةٌ
مُحَبَّرَةٌ نوفيكَها كُلَّ مَوسِمِ

14. More poems unless you forbid their flow
In reward for honoring me, clothing me

١٤. فَهَذي ثَلاثٌ قَد أَتَتكَ وَبَعدَها
قَصائِدَ إِلّا أودِ لا تَتَصَرَّمِ

15. In the gowns of Golan, their dye now faded
If I have reproached the Bakrs in the past, still I

١٥. جَزاءً بِما أَولَيتَني إِذ حَبَوتَني
بِجابِيَةِ الجَولانِ ذاتِ المُخَرَّمِ

16. Am indebted to the Bakrs, bound by consent and kindness

١٦. وَإِن أَكُ قَد عاتَبتُ بَكراً فَإِنَّني
رَهينٌ لِبَكرٍ بِالرِضا وَالتَكَرُّمِ