
Do not think that I am shaken by the loss

لا تحسبا أني تضعضع جانبي

1. Do not think that I am shaken by the loss
Of a man, had it been other than me shaken

١. لا تَحسَبا أَنّي تَضَعضَعَ جانِبي
لِفِقدِ اِمرِئٍ لَو كانَ غَيري تَضَعضَعا

2. My sons were struck down bearing the banners of Al-Jurayyirah
And every man will one day lie in his final resting place

٢. بَنِيَّ بِأَعلامِ الجَريرَةِ صُرِّعوا
وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ يَوماً سَيَأخُذُ مَضجِعا

3. By my life, time has left for me a boulder
By which I confront the oppressor, and I was not submissive

٣. لَعَمري لَقَد أَبقى لِيَ الدَهرُ صَخرَةً
يُرادى بِيَ الباغي وَلَم أَكُ أَضرَعا