
How excellent is the heritage a man leaves his people,

لنعم تراث المرء أورث قومه

1. How excellent is the heritage a man leaves his people,
Umayr son of Umar and his fine steed!

١. لَنِعمَ تُراثَ المَرءِ أَورَثَ قَومَهُ
عُمَيرُ اِبنِ عَمرٍ وَالحِصانِ السُلاجِمِ

2. His sons, the sons of Gharra, whom he raised
To the abode of Sa'd of lofty reputation and everlasting glory,

٢. بَنوهُ بَنو غَرّاءَ قَد صَعَّدَت بِهِم
إِلى بَيتِ سَعدٍ ذي العَلاءِ وَدارِمِ

3. He nurtured them to the bosoms of Sa'd's eagles
And the people of Nuha, men of renown and glory.

٣. نَماهُم إِلى عِرنَينِ سَعدٍ مُحَرِّقٌ
وَمِن وائِلٍ أَهلُ النُهى وَالعَظائِمِ

4. Umayr their father, man of great deeds, their grandfather
Dhubay'a, smiter of skulls and oppressors,

٤. عُمَيرٌ أَبوهُم ذو المَساعي وَجَدُّهُم
ضُبَيعَةُ ضَرّابُ الطُلى وَالجَماجِمِ

5. They are the exalted standard of the clan of Wail
And its knights in the closely pressed battle.

٥. هُمُ الهامَةُ العَلياءُ مِن آلِ وائِلٍ
وَفُرسانُها في المَأزِقِ المُتَلاحِمِ

6. Umayr your father - so boast of his deeds
When men recount the most generous souls,

٦. عُمَيرٌ أَبوكُم فَاِفخَروا بِفَعالِهِ
إِذا عَدَّدَ الأَقوامُ أَهلَ المَكارِمِ

7. The noble slave-girl built for them
Monuments of lasting glory on firm foundations.

٧. وَجارِيَةُ القَرمُ النَجيبُ بَنى لَهُم
مَآثِرَ مَجدٍ راسِياتِ الدَعائِمِ