
O children of Jarim, verily small sins in their measure

بني جارم إن الصغير بقدره

1. O children of Jarim, verily small sins in their measure
Lead to major crimes through their repetition

١. بَني جارِمٍ إِنَّ الصَغيرَ بِقَدرِهِ
تَسوقُ إِلى الأَمرِ الكَبيرِ جَرائِمُه

2. So deter the ignorant one among the people, let not he deceive you
Just as he was deceived when his talismans did not avail him

٢. فَأَغنوا سَفيهَ القَومِ لا يَغرُرَنَّكُم
كَما غُرَّ مِن لَم تُغنِ عَنهُ تَمائِمُه

3. O children of Jarim, none of the three groups is
More afflicted than you when their retaliation comes

٣. بَني جارِمٍ ما مِن ثَلاثَةِ مَعشَرٍ
بِأَلأَمَ مِنكُم حينَ عُدَّت مَلاوِمُه