1. Malik has squandered the wealth of the Ju'aydah,
Of it khanaatil remain, and some razim and hasir.
١. ضَيَّعَ أَولادَ الجُعَيدَةِ مالِكٌ
خَناطيلَ مِنها رازِمٌ وَحَسيرُ
2. You will know what good the roarings will do -
Attached to their thresholds the houses' uproar -
٢. سَتَعلَمُ ما تُغني رَواقيدُ أُسنِدَت
لَها عِندَ أَطنابِ البُيوتِ هَديرُ
3. About the camels, when they came as corpses,
If no onions or juice were sold for them.
٣. عَنِ الإِبلِ إِذ جاءَت حَدابيرَ رُزَّحاً
إِذا لَم يُبَع بِزرٌ لَها وَعَصيرُ