1. No house excelled yours in glory, O Amer,
Except that your house was even more glorious.
١. فَما فاضَلَت بَيتاً بِبَيتِكَ عامِرٌ
إِلى المَجدِ إِلّا كانَ بَيتُكَ أَفضَلا
2. It is the house of my son, Nafeel, who built it.
Kilab and Ka'b made it a pinnacle that will not waver.
٢. هُوَ البَيتُ بَيتُ اِبنَي نُفَيلٍ بَنى لَهُ
كِلابٌ وَكَعبٌ ذِروَةً لَن تُحَوَّلا
3. I see that Nafeel, who will be his father
And uncle? He took his time on the day of reckoning.
٣. أَرى اِبنَي نُفَيلٍ مَن يَكونُ أَباً لَهُ
وَعَمّاً فَقَد يَومَ الرِهانِ تَمَهَّلا
4. Upon those who excelled, raising their palms
To every branch of glory, he was the tallest.
٤. عَلى مَن جَرى وَالرافِعينَ أَكُفَّهُم
إِلى كُلِّ فَرعٍ كانَ لِلمَجدِ أَطوَلا
5. And he who is between the two immortals, his mother
Being Safiyya, his honor is too heavy to waver.
٥. وَمَن يَكُ بَينَ الخالِدَينِ وَأُمُّهُ
صَفِيَّةُ يَثقُل عِزُّهُ أَن يُحَلحَلا
6. Her father and her son were the best of Amer
Like rain clouds to the perished when rain pours.
٦. وَكانَ أَبوها وَاِبنُها خَيرَ عامِرٍ
سِماكَينِ لِلهَلكى إِذا الغَيثُ أَمحَلا
7. I see the impartial judge, Ailan in full
Faltering if he does not mention Nafeel.
٧. أَرى المُقسِمَ المُختارَ عَيلانَ كُلَّها
إِذا هُوَ لَم يَذكُر نُفَيلاً تَحَلَّلا
8. The sons of crooked-nosed Qaram, their glory
Was not scattered in riding, but in free hunting.
٨. بَنو أَنفِ قَرمٍ لَم يُدَعثَر سَنامُهُ
رُكوباً وَلَكِن كانَ أَصيَدَ مُرسِلا
9. When they adorned him with glory, his banners
Came, flooding when pages of glory fluttered.
٩. إِذا واضَحوهُ المَجدَ جاءَت دِلاؤُهُ
مُلاءً إِذا سَجلٌ مِنَ المَجدِ شَوَّلا
10. He has smooth roads that guide
And they are the best of Qais, early and late.
١٠. لَهُ طُرُقٌ عادِيَّةٌ يُهتَدى بِها
وَهُم خَيرُ قَيسٍ آخِرِيّاً وَأَوَّلا
11. The clan of Amer are the pillar of Qais and among them
Are fortresses for their protector when the roses bloom.
١١. بَنو عامِرٍ قَمقامُ قَيسٍ وَفيهِمُ
مَعاقِلُ جانيها إِذا الوِردُ أَثعَلا