
Built it Al-Aqra' the eminent architect

بناها الأقرع الباني المعالي

1. Built it Al-Aqra' the eminent architect
A peril in lofty and towering peaks

١. بَناها الأَقرَعُ الباني المَعالي
وَهَوذَةُ في شَوامِخَ باذِخاتِ

2. Foundling among its pillars and of them
Zurarah of fame and graces

٢. لَقيطٌ مِن دَعائِمِها وَمِنهُم
زُرارَةُ ذو النَدى وَالمَكرُماتِ

3. With two lives and two fates we build
Pillars of their glory erected

٣. وَبِالعَمرَينِ وَالضَمرَينِ نَبني
دَعائِمَ مَجدُهُنَّ مُشَيِّداتِ

4. Its pillars lineages and they its builders
Who then like the pillars and builders?

٤. دَعائِمُها أُلاكَ وَهُم بَنوها
فَمَن مِثلُ الدَعائِمِ وَالبُناةِ

5. Lineages of Darim and Banat 'Awf
For the best and noblest mothers

٥. أُلاكَ لِدارِمٍ وَبَناتُ عَوفٍ
لِخَيراتٍ وَأَكرَمِ أُمَّهاتِ

6. Why then do you not count the clan of Kulayb
And lament others with eulogies?

٦. فَما لَكَ لا تَعُدُّ بَني كُلَيبٍ
وَتَندُبُ غَيرُهُم بِالمَأثُراتِ

7. Your boasting, O Jarir, you a slave
To other than your father, one of the disgraces

٧. وَفَخرُكَ يا جَريرُ وَأَنتَ عَبدٌ
لَغَيرَ أَبيكَ إِحدى المُنكَراتِ

8. You care, O Jarir, for naught
While the elegies went to the reciters

٨. تَعَنّى يا جَريرُ لِغَيرِ شَيءٍ
وَقَد ذَهَبَ القَصائِدُ لِلرُواةِ

9. How can you refute what of it in Oman
And what in the mountains of Egypt proclaimed?

٩. فَكَيفَ تَرُدُّ ما بِعُمانَ مِنها
وَما بِجِبالَ مِصرَ مُشَهَّراتِ

10. I surpassed you in intricate and meaning
And House of the Love-Struck and the Beating Hearts

١٠. غَلَبتُكَ بِالمُفَقِّئ وَالمُعَنّي
وَبَيتِ المُحتَبي وَالخافِقاتِ