
You will receive poems from me, if I live,

ستأتيك مني إن بقيت قصائد

1. You will receive poems from me, if I live,
That every speaker falls short of composing.

١. سَتَأتيكَ مِنّي إِن بَقيتُ قَصائِدٌ
يُقَصِّرُ عَن تَحبيرِها كُلُّ قائِلِ

2. When heard, minds are illuminated by them,
When the superiority of the deed is counted by every doer.

٢. لَها تُشرِقُ الأَحسابُ عِندَ سَماعِها
إِذا عُدَّ فَضلُ الفِعلِ مِن كُلِّ فاعِلِ

3. And you are a man of firm determination,
Which the outstretched hand of the ambitious falls short of.

٣. وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ لِلصُلبِ مِن مُرَّةَ الَّتي
تُقَصِّرُ عَنها بَسطَةُ المُتَطاوِلِ

4. They have pledged your father due to his virtue,
Over his people, and the truth is evident to the discerners.

٤. هُمُ رَهَنوا عَنهُم أَباكَ لِفَضلِهِ
عَلى قَومِهِ وَالحَقُّ بادي الشَواكِلِ

5. Had they known the most faithful to protecting their blood,
And the most manifest virtue among those virtues,

٥. وَلَو عَلِموا أَوفى لِحَقنِ دِمائِهِم
وَأَبيَنَ فَضلاً عِندَ تِلكَ الفَواضِلِ

6. They would have from your father Al-Mustafa, feared with it,
The hacking swords on the day of pledging allegiance.

٦. لَهُم مِن أَبيكَ المُصطَفى لَاِتَّقوا بِهِ
أَسِنَّةَ كِسرى يَومَ رَهنِ القَبائِلِ

7. You have excelled, O Banu Shayban, in grace and leadership,
As Shayban excelled Bakr the son of Wa’il.

٧. فَضَلتُم بَني شَيبانَ فَضلاً وَسُؤدَداً
كَما فَضَلَت شَيبانُ بَكرَ اِبنَ وائِلِ

8. And Bakr excelled all of Rabee’ah
With the deeds of the exalted and the early glories.

٨. وَقَد فَضَلَت بَكرٌ رَبيعَةَ كُلَّها
بِفِعلِ العُلى وَالمَأثُراتِ الأَوائِلِ

9. You protected Ma’add on the day of Kisra the son of Hormuz
With a decisive strike that straightened every leaning.

٩. حَمَيتُم مَعَدّاً يَومَ كِسرى اِبنِ هُرمُزٍ
بِضَربَةَ فَصلٍ قَوَّمَت كُلَّ مائِلِ

10. You conquered Dhi Qar, so its affair has not ceased
To this day, the affair of the humble submissive one.

١٠. غَلَبتُم بِذيقارٍ فَما اِنفَكَّ أَمرُها
إِلى اليَومِ أَمرَ الخاشِعِ المُتَضائِلِ

11. With the plain of Dhi Qar when the tribes came to you
Following the example of other tribes.

١١. بِأَبطَحَ ذيقارٍ غَداةَ أَتَتكُمُ
قَبائِلَ جَمعٍ تَقتَدي بِقَبائِلِ

12. And you had virtues through which you surpassed
Every protector from Ma’add and Naeel.

١٢. وَكانَت لَكُم نُعمى عَمَمتُم بِفَضلِها
عَلى كُلِّ حافٍ مِن مَعَدٍّ وَناعِلِ

13. The vanguard of Hamurz knows that you
Are jealous on the day of trial during hardships.

١٣. مُقَدِّمَةُ الهامُرزِ تَعلَمُ أَنَّكُم
تَغارونَ يَومَ البَأسِ عِندَ الحَلائِلِ

14. Houses carried you to the glory of virtues and exaltation,
To which honor belongs during sieges.

١٤. نَماكَ إِلى مَجدِ المَكارِمِ وَالعُلى
بُيوتٌ إِلَيها العِزُّ عِندَ المَعاقِلِ

15. Among them is the house of Hawazin, through which
Bakr excels the skill of the warrior.

١٥. فَمِنهُنَّ بَيتُ الحَوفَزانِ الَّذي بِهِ
تُفَلِّلُ بَكرٌ حَدَّ نَبلِ المُناضِلِ

16. And the house of Muthanna, who frustrated the elephants,
In Babylon, when Babylon was ruled by Persia.

١٦. وَبَيتُ المُثَنّى عاقِرِ الفيلِ عَنوَةً
بِبابِلَ إِذ في فارِسٍ مُلكُ بابِلِ