1. Generous is the host in his dwelling, though shivering
When the cold numbs his hands, and with stoic calm
١. نِعمَ أَبو الأَضيافِ في المَحلِ غالِبٌ
إِذا لَبِسَ الغادي يَدَيهِ مِنَ البَردِ
2. He masks all trace of gloom should a guest arrive
On a cheerless day, hiding resentment inside.
٢. وَما كانَ وَقّافاً عَلى الضَيفِ مُحجِماً
إِذا جاءَهُ يَوماً وَلا كابِيَ الزَندِ
3. But once with open arms he embraces, his virtues
Abound, and his roseate smile masks no hurt feelings.
٣. وَكانَ إِذا ما أَصدَرَتهُ مَكارِمٌ
وَساوَرَ أُخرى غَيرَ مُجتَنِحِ الوِردِ