1. O sons of Nahshal, they came as spears upon
Hanthal amid squares though it wasn't time
١. بَني نَهشَلٍ هَلّا أَصابَت رِماحُكُم
عَلى حَنثَلٍ فيما يُصادِفنَ مَربَعا
2. You found Zabab, the weakest aid,
Nearest abode of dishonor and most yielding
٢. وَجَدتُم زَباباً كانَ أَضعَفَ ناصِراً
وَأَقرَبَ مِن دارِ الهَوانِ وَأَضرَعا
3. With him, you killed the foxes' whelps then left
Your palms' joints on him, settled in their place
٣. قَتَلتُم بِهِ ثَولَ الضِباعِ فَغادَرَت
مَناصِلُكُم مِنهُ خَصيلاً مُوَضَّعا
4. How can Ibn Subeih and Murabba sleep
While spears at Hanthal are milked, freshly wet?
٤. فَكَيفَ يَنامُ اِبنا صُبَيحٍ وَمِربَعٌ
عَلى حَنثَلٍ يُسقى الحَليبَ المُنَقَّعا