
Tamim's she-camels came to Dahna's valley, seeking

وحلت بدهناها تميم وألجأت

1. Tamim's she-camels came to Dahna's valley, seeking
Refuge in fertile southern climes where palms are heavy with dates.

١. وَحَلَّت بِدَهناها تَميمٌ وَأَلجَأَت
إِلى ريفِ بَرنِيٍّ كَثيرٍ تَمائِرُه

2. As though for the traveler they offer ample provisions -
Swaying, date-laden palms amid which the fruited branches hang.

٢. كَأَنَّهُمُ لِلمُبتَغي الزادِ عِندَهُم
بَخاتِيُّ جَمّالٍ ضَمورٍ قَياسِرُه

3. Were it not for the hunger pangs that gnaw and torment her people
Sleeplessness would not afflict one kept awake through the night.

٣. وَلَو لَم تَكُن عَبسٌ تُقاتِلُ مَسَّها
مِنَ الجوعِ ضُرٌّ لا يُغَمِّضُ ساهُرُه

4. Yet they scorn to accept as lord one hostile to their faith
Whenever his spear-butts would goad on the steeds to charge.

٤. وَلَكِنَّهُم يَستَكرِهونَ عَدُوَّهُم
إِذا هَزَّ خِرصانَ الرِماحِ مَساعِرُه

5. O Ibn Marwan, without your guidance all things come to naught;
Unless you hold the reins, affairs will go astray.

٥. أَلا كُلُّ أَمرٍ يا اِبنَ مَروانَ ضائِعٌ
إِذا لَم تَكُن في رَحَتَيكَ مَرائِرُه

6. All men's faces turn to you, save those led far astray
By caprice, swerving from the path into wayside wastes.

٦. وَكُلُّ وُجوهِ الناسِ إِلّا إِلَيكُمُ
يَتيهُ بِضُلّالٍ عَنِ القَصدِ جائِرُه

7. Help me, in my poverty and as my fortunes decline!
For I am the sublime poet of East and West combined.

٧. أَغِثني بِكُنهي في نِزارٍ وَمُقبَلي
فَإِنّي كَريمُ المَشرِقَينِ وَشاعِرُه

8. To you, God's regent on earth, all matters come home to rest;
On you depends the outcome of each thing, first and last.

٨. وَإِنَّكَ راعي اللَهِ في الأَرضِ تَنتَهي
إِلَيكَ نَواصي كُلِّ أَمرٍ وَآخِرُه

9. Still I hoped that the Marwanids might establish a dynasty
While fickle Fortune continues to rotate her sphere.

٩. وَما زِلتُ أَرجو آلَ مَروانَ أَن أَرى
لَهُم دَولَةً وَالدَهرُ جَمٌّ دَوائِرُه

10. Ever since the martyred caliph met his unjust fate
His avenger has risen up from their line, angered and biting.

١٠. لَدُن قُتِلَ المَظلومُ أَن يَطلُبوا بِهِ
وَمَولى دَمِ المَظلومِ مِنهُم وَثائِرُه

11. Why do they not gain ascendancy, they from whose clan
Hails the Prophet's bosom friend and faithful emigrant?

١١. وَما لَهُمُ لا يُنصَرونَ وَمِنهُمُ
خَليلُ النَبِيِّ المُصطَفى وَمُهاجِرُه

12. Princes are they, heirs to every sound policy,
And with God's aid the rights they uphold shall prevail.

١٢. مُلوكٌ لُهُم ميراثُ كُلِّ مَشورَةٍ
وَبِاللَهِ طاوي الأَمرِ مِنهُم وَناشِرُه

13. Indeed we shall don the raiment of intimacy with you,
As the nights unfold in which refreshing zephyrs blow.

١٣. وَكائِن لَبِسنا مِن رِداءِ وَديقَةٍ
إِلَيكَ وَمِن لَيلٍ تُجِنُّ حَظائِرُه

14. Thus we may attain the best of men, if missives of accord,
Whose pages ceaselessly turn, can reach you and arrive.

١٤. لِنَبلُغَ خَيرَ الناسِ إِن بَلَغَت بِنا
مَراسيلُ خَرقٍ لا تَزالُ تُساوِرُه

15. When night enshrouds them, their mounts take us straight
To our encampments, till the birds in chorus sing at dawn.

١٥. إِذا اللَيلُ أَغشاها تَكونُ رِحالُها
مَنازِلَنا حَتّى تَصيحَ عَصافِرُه

16. Now of their battle steeds naught remains
Save the bits' bosses still clasped in the chargers' mouths.

١٦. فَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا مِن ذَواتِ قِتالِها
مِنَ المُخِّ إِلّا في السُلامى مَصايِرُه