1. The swords of Bani Tamim have cleared
The neck of Basri, tightly squeezed,
١. لَقَد فَرَجَت سُيوفُ بَني تَميمٍ
عَنِ البَصرِيِّ مُكتَظِمَ الخِناقِ
2. The day he called with no helper around
While souls hastened to escape.
٢. غَداةَ دَعا وَلَيسَ لَهُ نَصيرٌ
وَقَد نَزَتِ النُفوسُ إِلى التَراقي
3. Malik and warriors of Amr came to him
With polished helmets and coats of mail,
٣. أَتَتهُ مالِكٌ وَكُماةُ عَمروٍ
عَلى القُبِّ المُسَوَّمَةِ العِتاقِ
4. Striking blows making skulls rattle
And stabbing like the mouths of she-camels.
٤. بِضَربٍ تَندُرُ القَصَراتُ فيهِ
وَطَعنٍ مِثلِ أَفواهِ النِهاقِ