1. Among us is he who people do not speak in his presence,
Yet he is the most courteous and just.
١. وَمِنّا الَّذي لا يَنطِقُ الناسُ عِندَهُ
وَلَكِن هُوَ المُستَأذَنُ المُتَنَصَّفُ
2. You see them sitting around him with their eyes
Downcast, their gazes unmoving.
٢. تَراهُم قُعوداً حَولَهُ وَعُيونُهُم
مُكَسَّرَةٌ أَبصارُها ما تَصَرَّفُ
3. The House of Allah is ours and our idols,
And there is a house on top of Mount Elijah.
٣. وَبَيتانِ بَيتُ اللَهِ نَحنُ وَلاتُهُ
وَبَيتٌ بِأَعلى إيلِياءَ مُشَرَّفُ
4. For us wherever the horizons of the earth meet
Is the countless pebbles and the palace of the archer.
٤. لَنا حَيثُ آفاقِ البَرِيَّةِ تَلتَقي
عَديدُ الحَصى وَالقَسوَرِيُّ المُخَندِفُ
5. When people descend from Mina
On the evening of the day of sacrifice from where they were acquainted,
٥. إِذا هَبَطَ الناسُ المُحَصَّبَ مِن مِنىً
عَشِيَّةَ يَومِ النَحرِ مِن حَيثُ عُرِّفوا
6. You see people walking behind us
And if we gesture to the people, they stop.
٦. تَرى الناسَ ما سِرنا يَسيرونَ خَلفَنا
وَإِن نَحنُ أَومَأنا إِلى الناسِ وَقَّفوا
7. Thousands of coats of mail and spears
And horses like locusts swarming.
٧. أُلوفُ أُلوفٍ مِن دُروعٍ وَمِن قَناً
وَخَيلٌ كَرَيعانِ الجَرادِ وَحَرشَفُ
8. And if they betray us one day, we strike their necks
For the religion until the compliant returns.
٨. وَإِن نَكَثوا يَوماً ضَرَبنا رِقابَهُم
عَلى الدينِ حَتّى يُقبِلَ المُتَأَلَّفُ
9. For you, as you strive to reach our abode
You are truly the one concerned, O Jarir.
٩. فَإِنَّكَ إِذ تَسعى لِتُدرِكَ دارِماً
لَأَنتَ المُعَنّى يا جَريرُ المُكَلَّفُ
10. Do you seek from the stars and above them
With lightning and a caravan whose back is humped?
١٠. أَتَطلُبُ مِن عِندَ النُجومِ وَفَوقَها
بِرِبقٍ وَعَيرٍ ظَهرُهُ مُتَقَرِّفُ
11. Jarir refused the company of wicked, disgraced men
And a despicable reputation reserved for the shameless.
١١. أَبى لِجَريرٍ رَهطُ سوءٍ أَذِلَّةٌ
وَعِرضٌ لَئيمٌ لِلمَخازي مُوَقَّفُ
12. When Darim calls me to the utmost limit,
You race towards it like one stumbling blindly.
١٢. إِذا ما اِحتَبَت لي دارِمٌ عِندَ غايَةٍ
جَرَيتَ إِلَيها جَريَ مَن يَتَغَطرَفُ
13. Both of us have a people who are loyal to us
By their accounts until the laggard sees.
١٣. كِلانا لَنا قَومٌ لَنا يُحلِبونَهُ
بِأَحسابِهِم حَتّى يَرى مَن يُخَلَّفُ
14. For a period until he abandons between them
And the sting grieves the one who is heaping.
١٤. إِلى أَمَدٍ حَتّى يُزايِلَ بَينَهُم
وَيوجِعُ مِنّا النَخسُ مَن هُوَ مُقرِفُ
15. I have turned war towards you, I when I become intimate
Am a fellow warrior, the spear on the nape a cloak.
١٥. عَطَفتُ عَلَيكَ الحَربَ إِنّي إِذا وَنى
أَخو الحَربِ كَرّارٌ عَلى القِرنُ مُعطِفُ
16. You cry over Saad while Saad is an abode
In Yabreen, among them the one who adds and weakens.
١٦. تُبَكّي عَلى سَعدٍ وَسَعدٌ مُقيمَةٌ
بِيَبرينَ مِنهُم مَن يَزيدُ وَيُضعِفُ