1. O Commander of the Faithful, and you are a guardian
Compassionate, not an avaricious ruler
١. أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَأَنتَ والٍ
شَفيقٌ لَستَ بِالوالي الحَريصِ
2. Have you fed Iraq and its two rivers
So a peasant grabbed the hem of your shirt
٢. أَأَطعَمتَ العِراقَ وَرافِدَيهِ
فَزارِيّاً أَحَذَّ يَدِ القَميصِ
3. And there was no shepherd of a woman in labor before him
To make him feel safe in the folds of his shirt
٣. وَلَم يَكُ قَبلَها راعي مَخاضٍ
لِيَأمَنَهُ عَلى وِركَي قَميصِ
4. Abu Muthanna rejoiced in Iraq
And taught his people to eat porridge
٤. تَفَيهَقَ بِالعِراقِ أَبو المُثَنّى
وَعَلَّمَ قَومَهُ أَكلَ الخَبيصِ
5. Soon meanness will carry him for a little while
On a ramshackle saddle cloth made of tattered rags
٥. سَتَحمِلَهُ الدَنيئَةُ عَن قَليلٍ
عَلى سَيساءِ ذِعلِبَةٍ قَموصِ