
Embrace me though the message may come from one afar

ألكني وقد تأتي الرسالة من نأى

1. Embrace me though the message may come from one afar
To the son of a comrade with neck ringed as if captive

١. أَلِكني وَقَد تَأتي الرِسالَةُ مَن نَأى
إِلى اِبنِ شَريكٍ ذي الحُجولِ المُطَوَّقِ

2. That a noble one has not changed his heart
Encountering a foe amidst the climate of schism

٢. بِأَنَّ جَناباً لَم يُغَيِّر فُؤادَهُ
تَلاقي مَعَدٍّ في مَناخِ التَفَرُّقِ

3. And naught but his meeting increased his fury
Against Quraysh though he was too modest to defame

٣. وَما زادَهُ إِلّا اِنفِراثاً لِقاؤُهُ
قُرَيشاً وَما اِستَحيا وَذو العِرضِ يَتَّقي

4. Himself until he rivals his neighbor however eminent
Nor maligns a honor however tattered

٤. عَلى نَفسِهِ حَتّى يُزايِلَ جارَهُ
كَريماً وَلَم يَظعَن بِعِرضٍ مُخَرَّقِ

5. Do I not reckon death which none can repeal
When it comes except the Lord of West and East

٥. أَلَم أَضمَنِ المَوتَ الَّذي لا يَرُدُّهُ
إِذا جاءَ إِلّا رَبُّ غَربٍ وَمَشرِقِ

6. For their two tribes when their pact was dissolved
Openly from its fraud every joint is disjointed

٦. لِذَحلَيهُما إِذ فَوَّزَت نِقضَياهُما
بِبايِنَةٍ عَن زَورِها كُلَّ مِرفَقِ

7. And I said to another seek ye help through her deliverance
Like the humpback of a harbor on the coast subjugated

٧. وَقُلتُ لِأُخرى اِستَظهِروا بِنَجائِها
كَأَحقَبِ ميفاءٍ عَلى القورِ سَهوَقِ

8. When paralyzed in desolation her kindled for him
Hoofs a fire of bitter aloes shredded

٨. إِذا شَلَّ في صَمّانَةٍ أَوقَدَت لَهُ
حَوافِرُها نيرانَ مَروٍ مُفَلَّقِ

9. As if Ukazian on him when she turned away
Her lace a Sirbal of surrounding shreds

٩. كَأَنَّ عُكاظِيّاً لَهُ حينَ زايَلَت
عَقيقَتُهُ سِربالَ حَولٍ مُمَزَّقِ

10. And I cast off both their mantles from their backs
With cloak of Yemeni league patched and threadbare

١٠. وَأَلقَيتُ عَن ظَهرَيهِما شِملَتَيهِما
بِأَردِيَةِ العَصبِ اليَماني المُلَفَّقِ

11. Yet ye were not worthy of it except that I
Recalled my father to his intimate friend

١١. وَما كُنتُما أَهلاً لَهُ غَيرَ أَنَّني
ذَكَرتُ أَبي لِلصاحِبِ المُتَعَلِّقِ

12. And how often from a noble one had he lingered, he would not
Return to his folk except with arm wrenched from its socket

١٢. وَكَم عَن جَنابٍ لَو تَلَبَّثَ لَم يَؤب
إِلى أَهلِهِ إِلّا بِكُرسوعِ مِرفَقِ

13. Amongst them at the House when they stole from him
Merchandise of Abu Zubyan on what night of theft

١٣. فَمِنهُنَّ عَندَ البَيتِ حَيثُ سَرَقنَهُ
مَتاعُ أَبي زَبّانَ في أَيُّ مَسرَقِ

14. With status between Safa which ye held
And Zamzam and the running place and barbershop

١٤. بِمَنزِلَةٍ بَينَ الصَفا كُنتُما بِها
وَزَمزَمَ وَالمَسعى وَعِندَ المُحَلَّقِ