
Tell the sons of injustice that their horses

أبلغ بني لأم بأن خيولهم

1. Tell the sons of injustice that their horses
Have been hamstrung and their glory did not last

١. أَبلِغ بَني لَأمٍ بِأَنَّ خُيولَهُم
عَقرى وَأَنَّ مِجادَهُم لَم يَمجُدِ

2. Indeed, your sky has only rained blood
And you raised your head like that of slaughtered prey

٢. ها إِنَّما مُطِرَت سَماؤُكُمُ دَماً
وَرَفَعتَ رَأسَكَ مِثلَ رَأسِ الأَصيَدِ

3. So that my neighbors may be food among you
Out of stinginess to Kindah and captives from Azd

٣. لِيَكونَ جِيراني أُكالاً بَينَكُم
بُخلاً لِكِندِيٍّ وَسَبيٍ مُزنِدِ

4. And the son of generosity, even if he turns aggressive tomorrow
And the son of wickedness, with curled disheveled hair

٤. وَاِبنِ النُجودِ وَإِن غَدا مُتَلاطِماً
وَاِبنِ العَذَوَّرِ ذي العِجانِ الأَزبَدِ

5. Tell the clan of Tha'labah that I have never
Intended to do so for as long as I hold power

٥. أَبلِغ بَني ثُعَلٍ بِأَنّي لَم أَكُن
أَبَداً لِأَفعَلَها طِوالَ المُسنَدِ

6. I did not come to them as an aggressor and leave my company
As spoils and my hands did not betray those who stand with me

٦. لا جِئتُهُم فَلّاً وَأَترُكَ صُحبَتي
نَهباً وَلَم تَغدُر بِقائِمِهِ يَدي