
The length of your night persisted in worship

أبى طول ليلك إلا سهود

1. The length of your night persisted in worship
Until pillars appeared for the morning dawn

١. أَبى طولُ لَيلِكَ إِلّا سُهود
فَما إِن تَبينُ لِصُبحٍ عَمودا

2. I remained sad, watching the stars
And my iron arms ached

٢. أَبيتُ كَئيباً أُراعي النُجومَ
وَأُوجِعُ مِن ساعِدَيَّ الحَديدا

3. I hoped for the generous one, full of delight
Among the people, collecting resolve and munificence

٣. أُرَجّي فَواضِلَ ذي بَهجَةٍ
مِنَ الناسِ يَجمَعُ حُزماً وَجودا

4. His leadership grew, and Al-Harith's sons
Until he slowly gained new precedence

٤. نَمَتهُ إِمامَةُ وَالحارِثانِ
حَتّى تَمَهَّلَ سَبقاً جَديدا

5. Like the lead of a steed on the day of betting
He nurtured lifelong glory

٥. كَسَبقِ الجَوادِ غَداةَ الرِهانِ
أَربى عَلى السِنِّ شَأواً مَديدا

6. So gather ransom for your father and mother
For how you were among us, seeking good

٦. فَاِجمَع فِداءٌ لَكَ الوالِدانِ
لِما كُنتَ فينا بِخَيرٍ مُريدا

7. And gather my bounty upon Hatem
And present it from a witnessing pillar

٧. فَتَجمَعُ نُعمى عَلى حاتِمٍ
وَتُحضِرُها مِن مَعَدٍّ شُهودا

8. Is death nearer, for I did not know
Any fault of mine, though I fear threats

٨. أَمِ الهُلكُ أَدنى فَما إِن عَلِمتُ
عَلَيَّ جُناحاً فَأَخشى الوَعيدا

9. So do good, no shame in what you have done
You give life to ancestors and absolve ancestors

٩. فَأَحسِن فَلا عارَ فيما صَنَعتَ
تُحيِي جُدوداً وَتَبري جُدودا