
O daughter of Abdullah and daughter of Malik

أيا ابنة عبد الله وابنة مالك

1. O daughter of Abdullah and daughter of Malik
And O daughter of the one with the burda and rosy steed

١. أَيا اِبنَةَ عَبدِ اللَهِ وَاِبنَةَ مالِكٍ
وَيا اِبنَةَ ذي البُردَينِ وَالفَرَسِ الوَردِ

2. When you prepare provisions, seek for it a companion
For I do not eat it alone

٢. إِذا ما صَنَعتِ الزادِ فَاِلتَمِسي لَهُ
أَكيلاً فَإِنّي لَستُ آكِلَهُ وَحدي

3. A visiting brother or a neighbor in the house, for I
Fear the reproaches of gossip afterwards

٣. أَخاً طارِقاً أَو جارَ بَيتٍ فَإِنَّني
أَخافُ مَذَمّاتِ الأَحاديثِ مِن بَعدي

4. And I am a servant to the guest as long as he lingers
And there is nothing in me but those traits of a servant

٤. وَإِنّي لَعَبدُ الضَيفِ ما دامَ ثاوِياً
وَما فيَّ إِلّا تِلكَ مِن شيمَةِ العَبدِ