
Behind the veil, I see an unwed girl

أرى أجأ من وراء الشقيق

1. Behind the veil, I see an unwed girl
Whose husband they have paired with fertile land

١. أَرى أَجَأً مِن وَراءِ الشَقيقِ
وَالصَهوِ زُوِّجَها عامِرُ

2. They wed her, but she did not conceive
And they knew she was barren sand

٢. وَقَد زَوَّجوها وَقَد عَنَسَت
وَقَد أَيقَنوا أَنَّها عاقِرُ

3. If her fate is tied to her infertility
Then upon her bosom, I will build a dam

٣. فَإِن يَكُ أَمرٌ بِأَعجازِها
فَإِنّي عَلى صَدرِها حاجِرُ