
Do you know ruins and a dream demolished

أتعرف أطلالاَ ونؤيا مهدم

1. Do you know ruins and a dream demolished
Like your line on soft parchment, an embellished book

١. أَتَعرِفُ أَطلالاً وَنُؤياً مُهَدَّما
كَخَطِّكَ في رَقٍّ كِتاباً مُنَمنَما

2. Which the spirits circulated after its intimacy
Months and days and a fateful year

٢. أَذاعَت بِهِ الأَرواحُ بَعدَ أَنيسِها
شُهوراً وَأَيّاماً وَحَولاً مُجَرَّما

3. The vicissitudes have changed the outward appearance of its soil
And time has changed what was once a landmark

٣. دَوارِجَ قَد غَيَّرنَ ظاهِرَ تُربِهِ
وَغَيَّرَتِ الأَيّامُ ما كانَ مُعلَما

4. And changed it the long passage of time and decay
So I don't recognize the ruins except as imagined

٤. وَغَيَّرَها طولُ التَقادُمِ وَالبِلى
فَما أَعرِفُ الأَطلالَ إِلّا تَوَهُّما

5. Its ornaments have collapsed which once had delight
And a forehead like the silk of Sabiriyyah worn out

٥. تَهادى عَلَيها حَليُها ذاتَ بَهجَةٍ
وَكَشحاً كَطَيِّ السابِرِيَّةِ أَهضَما

6. And a throat where the light of the forehead adorned it
The sparkle of ruby and symmetrical beads

٦. وَنَحراً كَفى نورَ الجَبينِ يَزينُهُ
تَوَقُّدُ ياقوتٍ وَشَذرٌ مُنَظَّما

7. Like embers it blew on them after the slumber of night
The spirits of youth breathing and fragrant

٧. كَجَمرِ الغَضا هَبَّت بِهِ بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
مِنَ اللَيلِ أَرواحُ الصِبا فَتَنَسَّما

8. The shaded house gives us a special light
When the night tries to smile

٨. يُضيءُ لَنا البَيتُ الظَليلُ خَصاصَةً
إِذا هِيَ لَيلاً حاوَلَت أَن تَبَسَّما

9. When it turns over the mattress once
The whisper of the necklace murmurs murmuring

٩. إِذا اِنقَلَبَت فَوقَ الحَشِيَّةِ مَرَّةً
تَرَنَّمَ وَسواسُ الحُلِيُّ تَرَنُّما

10. And two reproachers blew after the slumber
Blaming the useful accused blemished

١٠. وَعاذِلَتَينِ هَبَّتا بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
تَلومانِ مِتلافاً مُفيداً مُلَوَّما

11. Blaming when the star misguided
A young man who doesn't see harm in praise infatuated

١١. تَلومانِ لَمّا غَوَّرَ النَجمُ ضِلَّةً
فَتىً لا يَرى الإِتلافَ في الحَمدِ مَغرَما

12. So I said and the reproach has been long upon them
Even if they excuse me, they ascertain and determine

١٢. فَقُلتُ وَقَد طالَ العِتابُ عَلَيهِما
وَلَو عَذَراني أَن تَبينا وَتُصرَما

13. Do not blame me for what has already passed
The vicissitudes of fate are sufficient as a judge

١٣. أَلا لا تَلوماني عَلى ما تَقَدَّما
كَفى بِصُروفِ الدَهرِ لِلمَرءِ مُحكِما

14. You cannot retrieve what has gone by
And I do not regret what has passed

١٤. فَإِنَّكُما لا ما مَضى تُدرِكانِهِ
وَلَستُ عَلى ما فاتَني مُتَنَدِّما

15. Honor yourself, for if you compromise upon yourself
You will not find fate honoring you

١٥. فَنَفسَكَ أَكرِمها فَإِنَّكَ إِن تَهُن
عَلَيكَ فَلَن تُلفي لَكَ الدَهرَ مُكرِما

16. Do not disgrace yourself for the one whose birth you desire
For when he dies, wealth becomes spoils divided

١٦. أَهِن لِلَّذي تَهوى التِلادَ فَإِنَّهُ
إِذا مُتَّ كانَ المالُ نَهباً مُقَسَّما

17. Do not make yourself miserable over him, so an heir is happy
When you fear the dark complexion eclipsed

١٧. وَلا تَشقَيَن فيهِ فَيَسعَدَ وارِثٌ
بِهِ حينَ تَخشى أَغبَرَ اللَونِ مُظلِما

18. He divides it as war booty and buys prestige
While you have become in the earth a line greater

١٨. يُقَسِّمُهُ غُنماً وَيَشري كَرامَةً
وَقَد صِرتَ في خَطٍّ مِنَ الأَرضِ أَعظُما

19. Little pleases the heir to praise you
When he takes from what you used to hoard

١٩. قَليلٌ بِهِ ما يَحمَدَنَّكَ وارِثٌ
إِذا ساقَ مِمّا كُنتَ تَجمَعُ مَغنَما

20. Bear the flaws of the lowly and preserve their affection
You will not be able to have forbearance until you endure

٢٠. تَحَمَّل عَنِ الأَدنَينَ وَاِستَبقِ وُدَّهُم
وَلَن تَستَطيعَ الحِلمَ حَتّى تَحَلَّما

21. When will you mend the grudges of the clan with graciousness
And the harm ceases, the disease is decided severed for you

٢١. مَتى تَرقِ أَضغانَ العَشيرَةِ بِالأَنا
وَكَفَّ الأَذى يُحسَم لَكَ الداءُ مَحسَما

22. I am not roused in my passions by bellicosity
If I do not find in it my leader preceding

٢٢. وَما اِبتَعَثَتني في هَوايَ لُجاجَةٌ
إِذا لَم أَجِد فيها إِمامي مُقَدَّما

23. If you want, purposefully ignore the evil woman's
Transgression towards you and rebuke the miserable blamed

٢٣. إِذا شِئتَ ناوَيتَ اِمرَأَ السوءِ ما نَزا
إِلَيكَ وَلاطَمتَ اللَئيمَ المُلَطَّما

24. He of a gentle nature and piety is truthful when he sees
Those of corrupt morals to have dignity

٢٤. وَذو اللُبِّ وَالتَقوى حَقيقٌ إِذا رَأى
ذَوي طَبَعِ الأَخلاقِ أَن يَتَكَرَّما

25. So neighbor a generous man and ignite from his flint
And lean on him if the ladder extends long

٢٥. فَجاوِر كَريماً وَاِقتَدِح مِن زِنادِهِ
وَأَسنِد إِلَيهِ إِن تَطاوَلَ سُلَّما

26. The defective I have turned away from, and it did not harm
And the crooked I straightened, so he straightened

٢٦. وَعَوراءَ قَد أَعرَضتُ عَنها فَلَم يَضِر
وَذي أَوَدٍ قَوَّمتُهُ فَتَقَوَّما

27. And I forgive the flaws of the generous, storing him
And I pardon the insult of the miserable, dignifying

٢٧. وَأَغفِرُ عَوراءَ الكَريمِ اِدِّخارَهُ
وَأَصفَحُ مِن شَتمِ اللَئيمِ تَكَرُّما

28. I do not abandon a patron even if he is abandoning
Nor insult the son of an uncle if he is defeated

٢٨. وَلا أَخذِلُ المَولى وَإِن كانَ خاذِلاً
وَلا أَشتُمُ اِبنَ العَمِّ إِن كانَ مُفحَما

29. Nor does my independence from him increase separation
Even if he is deficient in wealth, deprived

٢٩. وَلا زادَني عَنهُ غِنائي تَباعُداً
وَإِن كانَ ذا نَقصٍ مِنَ المالِ مُصرِما

30. A frightful night whose horrors I donned
When the night frowns with weakness

٣٠. وَلَيلٍ بَهيمٍ قَد تَسَربَلتُ هَولَهُ
إِذا اللَيلُ بِالنَكسِ الضَعيفِ تَجَهَّما

31. The rogue will not gain praise or wealth
If he does not embark on a mighty matter

٣١. وَلَن يَكسِبَ الصُعلوكُ حَمداً وَلا غِنىً
إِذا هُوَ لَم يَركَب مِنَ الأَمرِ مُعظَما

32. He sees hunger as torture even if he finds satiation
His heart remains ambiguous from worries

٣٢. يَرى الخَمصَ تَعذيباً وَإِن يَلقَ شَبعَةً
يَبِت قَلبُهُ مِن قِلَّةِ الهَمِّ مُبهَما

33. May God embarrass the rogue, his wishes and concerns
Of life are to find clothes and cuisine

٣٣. لَحى اللَهُ صُعلوكاً مُناهُ وَهَمُّهُ
مِنَ العَيشِ أَن يَلقى لَبوساً وَمَطعَما

34. He sleeps until dusk, and when his night arrives
He wakes up with a wounded heart

٣٤. يَنامُ الضُحى حَتّى إِذا لَيلُهُ اِستَوى
تَنَبَّهَ مَثلوجَ الفُؤادِ مُوَرَّما

35. Staying with the spendthrifts, not alert
If there is benefit in food and getting stuffed

٣٥. مُقيماً مَعَ المُثرينَ لَيسَ بِبارِحٍ
إِذا كانَ جَدوى مِن طَعامٍ وَمَجثِما

36. By God is the rogue, his worries accompany him
And he proceeds amid events and fate preceding

٣٦. وَلِلَّهِ صُعلوكٌ يُساوِرُ هَمَّهُ
وَيَمضي عَلى الأَحداثِ وَالدَهرِ مُقدِما

37. A young man of aspirations who does not see hunger as comfort
Nor satiation if he attains it, counts it as war booty

٣٧. فَتى طَلِباتٍ لا يَرى الخَمصَ تَرحَةً
وَلا شَبعَةً إِن نالَها عَدَّ مَغنَما

38. When he sees the generous turn away one day
He prepares his shroud then determines

٣٨. إِذا ما رَأى يَوماً مَكارِمَ أَعرَضَت
تَيَمَّمَ كُبراهُنَّ ثُمَّتَ صَمَّما

39. You see his spear, arrows and shield
And the horse swift to calamity saddled

٣٩. تَرى رُمحَهُ وَنَبلَهُ وَمِجَنَّهُ
وَذا شُطَبٍ عَضبَ الضَريبَةِ مِخذَما

40. And the straps of a submissive worn saddle and his reins
A stirred young man, quick glancing, branded

٤٠. وَأَحناءَ سَرجٍ فاتِرٍ وَلِجامَهُ
عَتادَ فَتىً هَيجاً وَطِرفاً مُسَوَّما