1. Is time anything but today, yesterday, or tomorrow?
Thus time oscillates between us,
١. هَلِ الدَهرُ إِلّا اليَومُ أَو أَمسِ أَو غَدُ
كَذاكَ الزَمانُ بَينَنا يَتَرَدَّدُ
2. Returning to us night after day.
Neither do we remain nor does time cease.
٢. يَرُدُّ عَلَينا لَيلَةً بَعدَ يَومِها
فَلا نَحنُ ما نَبقى وَلا الدَهرُ يَنفُدُ
3. We have a term, whether it ends or continues,
And we follow its traces.
٣. لَنا أَجَلٌ إِمّا تَناهى إِمامُهُ
فَنَحنُ عَلى آثارِهِ نَتَوَرَّدُ
4. O people of Thu'al, my people, I make no pretense;
I rely on none but them, nor do I depend on others.
٤. بَنو ثُعَلٍ قَومي فَما أَنا مُدَّعٍ
سِواهُم إِلى قَومٍ وَما أَنا مُسنَدُ
5. With their help I repel the evil of assemblies,
And the slippery rogue turns away from me.
٥. بِدَرئِهِمِ أَغشى دُروءَ مَعاشِرٍ
وَيَحنِفُ عَنّي الأَبلَجُ المُتَعَمِّدُ
6. So wait, may I ransom you today, O my mother and aunt,
Let not the vile command me with cowardice
٦. فَمَهلاً فِداكَ اليَومَ أُمّي وَخالَتي
فَلا يَأمُرَنّي بِالدَنِيَّةِ أَسوَدُ
7. When I have been cowardly and my side has weakened,
I endure the night that has wearied me when I was infirm.
٧. عَلى جُبُنٍ إِذ كُنتُ وَاِشتَدَّ جانِبي
أُسامُ الَّتي أَعيَيتُ إِذ أَنا أَمرَدُ
8. Did she leave her abode before me,
Can one who disdains harm and sinking persist?
٨. فَهَل تَرَكَت قَبلي حُضورَ مَكانِها
وَهَل مَن أَبى ضَيماً وَخَسفاً مُخَلَّدُ
9. One who is insolent with the spear, apart from his friends-
I disciplined him with the sword while people watched.
٩. وَمُعتَسِفٍ بِالرُمحِ دونَ صِحابِهِ
تَعَسَّفتُهُ بِالسَيفِ وَالقَومُ شُهَّدُ
10. He fell on his boiling forehead in protection
To death, driven by the calamity like a peg.
١٠. فَخَرَّ عَلى حُرِّ الجَبينِ وَذادَهُ
إِلى المَوتِ مَطرورُ الوَقيعَةِ مِذوَدُ
11. I did not shoot him until I removed his quiver
Until the garment of death covered his dark complexion.
١١. فَما رُمتُهُ حَتّى أَزَحتُ عَويصَهُ
وَحَتّى عَلاهُ حالِكُ اللَونِ أَسوَدُ
12. I swear I will not walk to the secret of a neighbor
As long as the pigeons coo,
١٢. فَأَقسَمتُ لا أَمشي إِلى سِرِّ جارَةٍ
مَدى الدَهرِ ما دامَ الحَمامُ يُغَرِّدُ
13. Nor will I acquire money through deceit knowingly.
Behold, every money mixed with deceit is bitter.
١٣. وَلا أَشتَري مالاً بِغَدرٍ عَلِمتُهُ
أَلا كُلَّ مالٍ خالَطَ الغَدرُ أَنكَدُ
14. If some money is interest to its people,
Then my money, thank God, is pure.
١٤. إِذا كانَ بَعضُ المالِ رَبّاً لِأَهلِهِ
فَإِنّي بِحَمدِ اللَهِ مالي مُعَبَّدُ
15. It relieves the helpless and is spent virtuously,
And given when the stingy driveling one is expelled.
١٥. يُفَكُّ بِهِ العاني وَيُؤكَلِ طَيِّباً
وَيُعطى إِذا مَنَّ البَخيلُ المُطَرَّدُ
16. When the wretched miser's fire goes out,
I say to those who pray by my fire, kindle
١٦. إِذا ما البَخيلُ الخَبَّ أَخمَدَ نارَهُ
أَقولُ لِمَن يُصلى بِنارِيَ أَوقِدوا
17. Expand a little, or suffice us,
And its kindler is the most gentle and praiseworthy.
١٧. تَوَسَّع قَليلاً أَو يَكُن ثَمَّ حَسبُنا
وَموقِدُها الباري أَعَفُّ وَأَحمَدُ
18. Thus are the affairs of people, content with humbleness,
And aspiring to the highest branch.
١٨. كَذاكَ أُمورُ الناسِ راضٍ دَنِيَّةً
وَسامٍ إِلى فَرعِ العُلا مُتَوَرِّدُ
19. Among them is a generous man whom I revolve around,
And among them is a miserable man, always frowning.
١٩. فَمِنهُم جَوادٌ قَد تَلَفَّتُّ حَولَهُ
وَمِنهُم لَئيمٌ دائِمُ الطَرفِ أَقوَدُ
20. One called me, so I answered him,
Does anyone but the apathetic spurn callers?
٢٠. وَداعٍ دَعاني دَعوَةً فَأَجَبتُهُ
وَهَل يَدَعُ الداعينَ إِلّا المُبَلَّدُ