1. And true young men without rancor between them
When they became destitute, they did not cling to recrimination
١. وَفِتيانِ صِدقٍ لا ضَغائِنَ بَينَهُم
إِذا أَرمَلوا لَم يولَعوا بِالتَلاوُمِ
2. I walked with them until their riding beasts grew weary
And until you could see them above the dust of a valiant assailant
٢. سَرَيتُ بِهِم حَتّى تَكِلَّ مَطِيُّهُم
وَحَتّى تَراهُم فَوقَ أَغبَرَ طاسِمِ
3. And indeed I fear that they will say, he is abandoning us
With what will the people say, the companions of Hatem
٣. وَإِنّي أَذينٌ أَن يَقولوا مُزايِلٌ
بِأَيٍّ يَقولُ القَومُ أَصحابُ حاتِمِ
4. Either the soul will attain its greatest concern
Or I give you good tidings of a disheveled despoiler
٤. فَإِمّا تُصيبُ النَفسُ أَكبَرَ هَمِّه
وَإِمّا أُبَشِّركُم بِأَشعَثَ غانِمِ