
If what is given were for ostentation,

فلو كان ما يعطي رياء لأمسكت به

1. If what is given were for ostentation,
The sides of blame would grasp it, pulling it closer.

١. فَلَو كانَ ما يُعطي رِياءً لَأَمسَكَت
بِهِ جَنَباتُ اللَومِ يَجذِبنَهُ جَذبا

2. But whatever is desired for God alone,
Then give - for you have profited in the transaction.

٢. وَلَكِنَّما يَبغي بِهِ اللَهَ وَحدَهُ
فَأَعطِ فَقَد أَربَحتَ في البَيعَةِ الكَسبا