1. And like the slicing blade, against him I aimed my spear,
Though his people rendered aid, I showed no fear,
١. وَخِرقٍ كَنَصلِ السَيفِ قَد رامَ مَصدِفي
تَعَسَّفتُهُ بِالرُمحِ وَالقَومُ شُهَّدي
2. My blow landed on his brow, fierce and bold,
Splitting his belly, no armor could it hold,
٢. فَخَرَّ عَلى حُرِّ الجَبينِ بِضَربَةٍ
تَقُطُّ صِفاقاً عَن حَشاً غَيرِ مُسنَدِ
3. I did not stop until his defenders all withdrew,
Leaving but a ruined camp, their bodies slew,
٣. فَما رُمتُهُ حَتّى تَرَكتُ عَويصَهُ
بَقِيَّةَ عَرفٍ يَحفِزُ التُربَ مِذوَدِ
4. Even pleas from maidens could not make him stay,
"Do not go far" they implored, but to him I did say:
٤. وَحَتّى تَرَكتُ العائِداتِ يَعُدنَهُ
يُنادينَ لا تَبعَد وَقُلتُ لَهُ اِبعُدِ
5. "Begone and away!" They circled him twice in a run,
To the barren valley they dragged his body, no more fun,
٥. أَطافوا بِهِ طَوفَينِ ثُمَّ مَشَوا بِهِ
إِلى ذاتِ إِلجافِ بِزَخّاءَ قُردُدِ
6. Below the sky's gaze, a hill there lies,
I reached it before dawn, no sleep in my eyes,
٦. وَمَرقَبَةٍ دونَ السَماءِ طِمِرَّةٍ
سَبَقتُ طُلوعَ الشَمسِ مِنها بِمَرصَدِ
7. There my weapon found rest, but still warily,
Lest foeman rise, unguarded the act would be.
٧. وَسادي بِها جَفنُ السِلاحِ وَتارَةً
عَلى عُدواءِ الجَنبِ غَيرُ مُوَسَّدِ