1. Beauty is not in a waist wrapper
So know, even if you are wrapped in fur
١. ليس الجمالُ بمئزرٍ
فاعلم وإن رُدِّيتَ بُردا
2. Beauty is innate traits
And virtues that brought glory
٢. إِنّ الجمالَ معادنٌ
وَمَنَاقبٌ أَورَثنَ مَجدا
3. I readied for the virgins a meadow
And a high plain where I stay
٣. أَعددتُ للحَدَثانِ سا
بغةً وَعَدَّاءً عَلَندى
4. A cleavage and one with breasts that guide
The white and the bodies erect
٤. نَهداً وذا شُطَبٍ يَقُدُّ
البَيضَ والأبدانَ قَدَّا
5. And I knew that on the day of
Battle there are positions, a forehead and a breast
٥. وعلمتُ أنّي يومَ ذا
كَ مُنازِلٌ كعباً وَنَهدا
6. A people, when they don the armor
They yearn for war, necks thrust forward
٦. قومٌ إذا لَبِسُوا الحدي
دَ تَنَمَّرُوا حَلَقا وقِدَّا
7. Each man runs to
The day of turmoil with what he prepared
٧. كلُّ امرئٍ يجري إلى
يوم الهِياجِ بما استعَدَّا
8. When I saw our women
Examining with staves thrust forward
٨. لمّا رأيتُ نساءَنا
يَفحَصنَ بالمَعزاءِ شَدَّا
9. And Lamis appeared as if she were
A full moon when it rises
٩. وَبَدَت لَمِيسُ كَأَنَّها
بَدرُ السماءِ إذا تَبَدَّى
10. And her charms appeared that
Lie hidden and the matter was serious
١٠. وَبَدَت محاسِنُها التي
تَخفَى وكان الأمرُ جِدَّا
11. I descended upon them like a ram and did not
See any descent of a ram without purpose
١١. نازلتُ كَبشَهُمُ ولم
أرَ من نِزالِ الكبش بُدَّا
12. They threaten my blood while
I threaten that if I meet I will be most hard
١٢. هم يَنذُرونَ دمي وأن
ذُرُ إِن لقيتُ بأن أَشُدَّا
13. How many good brothers
I placed with my hands in the grave
١٣. كم من أخٍ ليَ صالحٍ
بَوّأتُهُ بيدَيَّ لَحدا
14. Neither did I panic nor
Did fear make me cry
١٤. ما إِن جَزِعتُ ولا هَلِع
تُ ولا يَرُدُّ بُكايَ زَندا
15. I clothed him in his robes
And was created the day I was created, steadfast
١٥. أَلبستُهُ أَثوابَه
وخُلقتُ يومَ خُلِقتُ جَلدا
16. I sing the song of those who go
And prepare for the enemies, preparation
١٦. أُغني غَنَاء الذاهبي
نَ أُعَدُّ للأَعداءِ عَدَّا
17. Those whom I loved are gone
And I remained like an unmatched sword
١٧. ذَهَبَ الذين أُحِبُّهم
وبقيتُ مثلَ السيفِ فَردا