
I prepared for war a supple coat of mail

أعددت للحرب فضفاضة

1. I prepared for war a supple coat of mail
that bent over the sturdy carrier.

١. أَعددتُ للحربِ فَضفَاضَةً
دِلاصاً تَثَنَّى على الرَّاهِشِ

2. And a polished sword like a pouring rain,
and Salama's sword with a sharp edge,

٢. وَأَجرَدَ مُطَّرِداً كالرِّشاءِ
وسَيفَ سَلامَةَ ذي فائشِ

3. A sword that you see like a large pond
with ripples from the engraver's tool.

٣. حُساماً تراهُ كَمِثلِ الغديرِ
عليه كَنَمنَمَةِ النَّاقِشِ

4. With a sheath that has a strap for it
held by the archers of the tribe of Waabish.

٤. وذاتَ عِدادٍ لها أَزمَلٌ
بَرَتها رُماةُ بني وَابِشِ

5. And every brave cavalier, deft at spear-thrusts
skilled at reaching the spine and neck.

٥. وكلَّ نَحِيضٍ فَتيقِ الغِرارِ
عَزُوفٍ على ظُفُرِ الرائشِ

6. And a smooth lance like a long-necked she-camel,
it rose up towering over the shields.

٦. وأَجرَدَ ساطٍ كَشَاةِ الإرا
نِ رِيعَ فَعَنَّ على النَّاجِشِ

7. When it sped I said: look at its bending,
how it swerves at the contact of the torrential rain!

٧. إِذا ما جرى قلت شوذا نقا
تَنَحّضى من الوابِلِ الحافِشِ

8. And I take refuge in the branch of a colocynth tree,
and glory that eludes the aspirations of the seekers.

٨. وآوي إِلى فَرعِ جُرثومةٍ
وَعِزٍّ يَفوتُ يَدَ الباهِشِ

9. I took pleasure doing that when I was a man
who wards off ugly shameful deeds,

٩. تَمتّعتُ ذلك وكنتُ امرأً
أَصُدُّ عن الخُلُقِ الفاحشِ

10. And Sa’d Abu Hakam was my protector
through him I would rise above the rash.

١٠. وسعدٌ أبو حَكَمٍ مَنصِبي
به كنتُ أَعلو على الطائشِ