1. You are the sons of Ziyad among your people
A sin, while we are branches of a good root
١. أَبَني زيادٍ أنتُمُ في قومكُم
ذَنَبٌ ونحنُ فُروعُ أَصلٍ طَيِّبٍ
2. We fight on Thursday to Thursday while you
By force between a fortress and hunting dogs
٢. نَصِلُ الخميسَ إلى الخميس وأنتمُ
بالقَهرِ بين مُرَبِّقٍ ومُكَلِّبِ
3. Do not think, O sons of Kuhaylah, our war
Is like driving donkeys in the star constellations
٣. لا تَحسَبُنَّ بني كُحَيلَةَ حَربَنا
سَوقَ الحميرِ بجَأبَةٍ فالكوكبِ
4. Deviating from kindness was the quest of their father
Seeking marriage payments in silver and dogs
٤. حُيُدٌ عن المعروفِ سَعيُ أبيهِمُ
طَلَبُ الوُعولِ بوَفضَةٍ وَبأكلُبِ
5. Until after encompassing gray hair
He supposed an omen from a deceitful fortuneteller
٥. حتى تَكَهَّنَ بعد شَيبٍ شاملٍ
تَرحاً له من كاهنٍ مُتَكَذِّبِ
6. When they saw me approaching in the battalion
Among the troops like the light of a star
٦. لمّا رأوني في الكَتيفةِ مُقبلاً
وَسطَ الكتيبةِ مثلَ ضوءِ الكوكبِ
7. The Ataff peek around their homes at me
Our enmity is not like the flickering of fireflies
٧. يَختَبُّ بي العَطَّافُ حولَ بُيوتِهم
ليست عداوتُنا كبرقِ الخُلَّبِ
8. And they were certain from us with a true occurrence
They fled, and it was not yet the hour of flight
٨. واستيقنوا منّا بوَقعٍ صادقٍ
هَرَبوا وليس أوانَ ساعةِ مَهرَبِ
9. They left the herds to us and every white
Frightened ewe and another experienced one
٩. تَركوا السَّوامَ لنا وكلَّ خَريدةٍ
بيضاءَ خَرعَبَةٍ وأُخرى ثَيِّبِ
10. The women of the sons of Ziyad complained
Like the cries of our women the morning after prey
١٠. عَجَّت نساءُ بني زيادٍ عَجَّةً
كَعَجِيجِ نِسوَتِنا غداةَ الأَرنَبِ