1. If Fatima had witnessed in a desolate valley
Your brother encounter the lion
١. أَفاطِمَ لو شَهِدتِ ببطن خَبتٍ
وقد لاقى الهِزَبرُ أخاكِ بِشرا
2. You would have seen a lion intending a lion
A hissing lion seeking a hissing lion
٢. إذن لرأيتِ ليثاً رامَ ليثاً
هِزَبراً أَغلباً يبغي هِزَبرا
3. He was jubilant when my protector recoiled from him
Cautiously, so I said, "You have harmed the protector."
٣. تَبَهنَسَ إِذ تقاعسَ عنه مُهري
مُحاذَرَةً فقلتُ عُقِرتَ مُهرا
4. I placed my feet on the back of the ground saying,
"I found the ground firmer than your back."
٤. أَنِل قَدَميَّ ظهرَ الأَرض إِنِّي
وجدتُ الأَرضَ أَثبَتَ منكَ ظَهرا
5. And I said to him as he bared sharpened blades
And an angry face:
٥. وقلتُ له وقد أبدى نِصالاً
مُحدَّدةً ووجهاً مُكفَهِرّا
6. He pounces with claws and the edge of fangs
And with glances you'd think were embers.
٦. يُدِلُّ بِمِخلَبٍ وبحدِّ نابٍ
وباللَّحَظاتِ تَحسَبُهُنَّ جَمرا
7. With my right, the edge of the sword remains
The impacts of war drum beats.
٧. وفي يُمنايَ ماضي الحدِّ أَبقى
بمضربه قِراعُ الخَطبِ إِثرا
Didn't you hear what he did to the gazelles
٨. أَلَم يَبلُغكَ ما فعلت ظُباهُ
بكاظمةٍ غداةَ لَقِيتُ عَمرا
9. One morning when I met Amr?
My heart is like your heart, I'm not afraid
٩. وقلبي مثلُ قلبكَ لستُ أَخشى
مُصاولةً ولستُ أَخاف ذُعرا
10. Of battle, nor do I fear panic.
While you crave food for the cubs
١٠. وأَنتَ ترومُ للأشبالِ قُوتاً
ومُطَّلَبي لبنتِ العمِّ مَهرا
11. My goal is the bride price for the uncle's daughter.
So why would one like me retreat
١١. ففيمَ تَرومُ مثلي أَن يُوَلّي
ويتركَ في يديكَ النفسَ قَسرا
12. And leave you empowered against my will?
I advise you lion, seek other than me
١٢. نَصَحتُكَ فالتمس يا ليثُ غيري
طعاماً إِنَّ لحمي كان مُرّا
13. For food, my flesh has been bitter.
When he thought my advice was deceit
١٣. فلمّا ظنَّ أَنّ الغشَّ نُصحي
وخالَفَني كأنّي قلتُ هُجرا
14. And defied me as if I'd said "avoidance"
We walked, two lions with the same goal
١٤. مشى ومَشَيتُ من أَسَدَينِ راما
مَرَاماً كان إذ طَلَبَاهُ وَعرا
15. When they sought it, a difficult goal.
Brandishing his paw, one of his hands
١٥. يُكفكِفُ غِيلةً إحدى يديه
ويبسُط للوثوبِ عَلَيَّ أُخرى
16. And extending the other to pounce on me.
I shook the sword at him, emptied that I
١٦. هَززتُ له الحُسامَ فَخِلتُ أَنّي
شققتُ به لدى الظلماء فَجرا
17. Had split the darkness with it at dawn.
١٧. وَجُدتُ له بطائشةٍ رآها
لمن كَذَبَتهُ ما مَنَّتهُ غَدرا
18. I found for him a reckless strike he saw
From one who his betrayal hadn't favoured.
١٨. بضربةِ فَيصَلٍ تركتهُ شَفعاً
وكان كأنَّهُ الجُلمودُ وِترا
19. With a separating blow I left him cloven
As if he were solid rock.
١٩. فَخَرَّ مُضَرَّجاً بدمٍ كأنّي
هَدَمتُ به بِناءً مُشمَخِرّا
20. He fell drenched in blood as if
I'd demolished a towering structure.
٢٠. وقلتُ له يَعِزُّ عليَّ أَنّي
قتلتُ مُناسِبي جَلَداً وَقَهرا
21. And I said to him, "It pains me that
I killed my peer in strength and valor."
٢١. ولكن رُمتَ شيئاً لم يَرُمهُ
سِواكَ فلم أُطِق يا ليثُ صبرا
22. But you attempted something none but you
Had tried, so I could not endure, O lion.
٢٢. تُحاولُ أَن تُعَلِّمني فِراراً
لَعَمرُ أبي لقد حاولتَ نُكرا
23. You try to teach me retreat
By my father's life, you have tried the unthinkable!
٢٣. فلا تَبعد لقد لاقيتَ حُرّاً
يُحاذِرُ أن يُعابَ فَمُتَّ حُرّا