1. My weapons - spear and polished sword - protect me,
And every tight-reined swift steed is my ally.
ูก. ุฃูุนุงุฐูู ุนูุฏููุชู ุจูุฒูู ููุฑูู
ููููู ู
ููููููุตู ุณูููุณู ุงููููุงุฏู
2. Yet though in youth I wasted all my prime,
My voice still answers those who raise the cry.
ูข. ุฃูุนุงุฐูู ุฅููููู
ุง ุฃููู ุดุจุงุจู
ุฅูุฌุงุจุชู ุงูุตูุฑูุฎ ุฅูู ุงูู
3. With heroes have I stood till flesh was hacked
And shoulder furrowed by the arrowโs slide,
ูฃ. ู
ุน ุงูุฃูุจุทุงู ุญุชู ุณูููู ุฌุณู
ูุฃููุฑูุญ ุนุงุชูู ุญูู
ูู ุงููููุฌุงุฏู
4. Wisdom remains when men have spent their wrath,
My provisions ere my peopleโs own provide.
ูค. ูููุจูู ุจุนุฏ ุญููู
ู ุงูููู
ู ุญููู
ููููู ูุจู ุฒุงุฏู ุงูููู
ู ุฒุงุฏู
5. Amazed was I by one whose fluent speech -
No mere vaunt flowing from an empty pate -
ูฅ. ูู
ู ุนูุฌูุจู ุนุฌุจุชู ูู ุญุฏูุซู
ุจุฏูุนู ููุณ ู
ู ุจูุฏูุนู ุงูุณููุฏุงุฏู
6. Expressed a wish that he with Qusayr meet.
Wherever was my love, I wished him well.
ูฆ. ุชูู
ููููู ุฃูู ููุงูููู ููููุณู
ููุฏูุฏุชู ูุฃููู
ุง ู
ููู ููุฏุงุฏู
7. He wished to meet me clad in my best clothes
As though their patches were a locustโs wing.
ูง. ุชูู
ููููุงูู ูุณุงุจุบุชู ูู
ูุฃูููู ููุชููุฑููุง ุญูุฏููู ุงูุฌูุฑูุงุฏู
8. A sword I have, a Canaan blade that flows
From furnace fires in bygone days of Ad.
ูจ. ูุณููู ู
ู ููุฏูู ููุนุงูู ุนูุฏู
ุชูุฎููููุฑู ููุตูููู ู
ู ุนูุฏู ุนุงุฏู
9. Had he met me, a fierce enraged lion
Of dreadful onset and sharp biting tooth
ูฉ. ูููู ูุงููุชูู ูููููููุชู ููุซุงู
ููุตููุฑุงู ุฐุง ุธูุจุงู ูุดูุจุงู ุญูุฏุงุฏู
10. He had met. And had he known deathโs certainty
And that his fat heart from all blackness shone,
ูกู . ููุงุณุชูููุช ุฃูููู ุงูู
ูุช ุญููู
ูุตูุฑููุญู ุดุญู
ู ููุจููู ุนู ุณูุงุฏู
11. My life he sought and I sought his demise.
Seek pardon of your friend for your intent!
ูกูก. ุฃูุฑูุฏู ุญููุงุชููู ููููุฑูุฏ ููุชูู
ุนูุฐููุฑููู ู
ู ุฎูููููู ู
ู ู