1. Do you threaten me as if you were one with power,
Promising the best life or powerful authority,
١. أَتُوعِدُني كأنّكَ ذو رُعَينٍ
بأفضلِ عيشةٍ أو ذو نُوَاسِ
2. And whatever luxuries and stable kingdoms were before you among the people,
Ancient of origin from the time of 'Aad,
٢. وكائن كان قَبلك من نعيمٍ
ومُلكٍ ثابتٍ في الناس راسي
3. Great vanquisher of tyranny, cruel,
Whose people ended in ruin and whose rule
٣. قديمٍ عَهدُهُ من عهد عادٍ
عظيمٍ قاهر الجَبَرُوتِ قاسي
4. Would change from one people to another,
So do not let your kingdom deceive you - every kingdom
٤. فأمسى أهلُهُ بادوا وأَمسى
يُحَوَّلُ من أُناسٍ في أُناسِ
5. Becomes disgraced after its zenith.
٥. فلا يَغرُركَ مُلكُكَ كلُّ مُلكٍ
يَصيرُ مَذَلَّةً بعدَ الشِّماسِ